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*** WARNING *** FAT Entry ssss multiple allocation in FILENAME.EXT

Occurs on:  68, 86, and 286.

Meaning:  The FAT table entries show that two different files claim to
          be using the same physical disk area.  "ssss" indicates the
          FAT table entry number that is in question.  "FILENAME.EXT" is
          the file name of the SECOND file that claims the disk space.
          Since a physical disk area can contain only one set of
          information, this error indicates a fatal file contamination
          for at least one and possibly both of the files involved.
          When this error is detected, the server automatically
          truncates the second file so that it will no longer claim the
          disputed physical disk area.  This change is made in memory
          but is NOT immediately updated to disk.  This error is not
          considered a fatal mount error.  The server will continue to
          mount the volume even after this error is discovered.

Cause:  This error may be caused by a power or hardware failure, or by
        bringing down the network without the DOWN command.

Solution:  The system manager may use VREPAIR to find the names of all
           files that claim the same physical area.  He may then examine
           the area in question to determine which file's data is
           actually written there.  After repairing the disk, any files
           that may have been unrecoverable may be restored from the
           current backup.

    A second option is to simply delete the file named in this error
    message if it is not important or if a current backup copy exists to
    restore the file back from.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson