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Error configuring Disk CoProcessor.

Occurs on:  286 only.  This is an Abend error.

Meaning:  This error occurs when the SCSI device driver programs a Disk
          CoProcessor Board (DCB) and the DCB returns an error status
          after attempting to configure itself.  When the DCB attempts
          to configure itself, it may try to access each of the disks
          that should be connected to it.  If it cannot access these
          disks properly for any reason, the DCB will return an error
          status to the driver, which in turn would generate this error

Cause:  This error is usually caused by a hardware problem with a drive,
        a controller or the interface cables.  Since the DCB has passed
        its self-diagnostics previous to being programmed, the DCB
        should be O.K.

Solution:  Check all of the drives, controllers and disk interface
           cables connected to the file server.  Repair or replace any
           that are suspected of causing this error.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson