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data: Equates for the INDEX COMPILER RECORD table. This table
               contains all information necessary for a call to the
               _INDEX library routine. (i.e., information for CD_INDEX
               in the compiler)

ir_ind_exp_off  equ     0               ;offset of the index expression
ir_ind_exp_seg  equ     2               ;segment of index expression else extrn
                                        ; index if secondary

ir_ind_var_off  equ     4               ;offset of index variable. NOTE: This
                                        ; will contains the offset of the
                                        ; field variable if we're using method
                                        ; #3.
ir_ind_var_seg  equ     6               ;segment of index variable else extrn
                                        ; index if secondary
ir_ind_var_size equ     8
ir_ind_var_type equ     10

ir_ind_fn_off   equ     12              ;offset of filename
ir_ind_fn_seg   equ     14              ;segment of filename else extrn index

ir_ind_cf_off   equ     16              ;offset of character field
ir_ind_cf_seg   equ     18

ir_ind_cex_off  equ     20              ;this expression is used for
                                        ; a SEEK
ir_ind_cex_seg  equ     22

ir_table_len    equ     20
ir_number_files equ     70

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson