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ind_root        equ     0
 ind_root_type  equ     0
 ind_root_num   equ     2
 ind_root_prev  equ     4
 ind_root_next  equ     8

ind_marker      equ     nh_header_len           ;BYTEs  unique string for a
                                                ;       FORCE header

 ind_force_str  equ     'FORCEIIIFDX '
 ind_marker_len equ     12

ind_write_count equ nh_header_len + 12

ind_record_len  equ     nh_header_len + 14      ;WORD   index record length
                                                ;       this includes the
                                                ;       DWORD record number

ind_records     equ     nh_header_len + 16      ;WORD   number of records in
                                                ;       the database

ind_unique      equ     nh_header_len + 20      ;WORD   If TRUE, then the index
                                                ;       is indexed unique

ind_rec_node    equ     nh_header_len + 22      ;WORD   number of records we
                                                ;       can stuff into one node

ind_root_size   equ     nh_header_len + 24

ind_data        equ     ind_root_size

ind_handle      equ     ind_data        ;WORD   FDX file handle DOS

ind_idf_handle  equ     ind_data + 2    ;WORD   memory handle for
                                        ;       buffer containing index
                                        ;       records

ind_memory      equ     ind_data + 4    ;WORD   memory handle for this
                                        ;       buffer (i.e. FHB for
                                        ;       the index file)

ind_position    equ     ind_data + 6    ;WORD   integer from 0 to
                                        ;       "ind_rec_node" to 
                                        ;       indicate what "node"
                                        ;       position we're at

ind_leaf_addr   equ     ind_data + 8    ;DWORD  r/w address of the current
                                        ;       leaf in memory in the
                                        ;       index file

ind_branch_addr equ     ind_data + 12   ;DWORD  r/w address of the current
                                        ;       branch in memory within
                                        ;       the index file

ind_b_position  equ     ind_data + 16   ;WORD   what branch position
                                        ;       are we at?

ind_alias       equ     ind_data + 18   ;dword  seg:offset of the alias block.

ind_pre_comm    equ     ind_data + 22   ;word   TRUE if PRECOMMIT was called
                                        ;       FALSE if APPCOMMIT was called
                                        ;               prior to a commit call.

ind_dirty               equ ind_data + 24       ; WORD  TRUE if index has been written to

ind_shared              equ ind_data + 26       ; WORD  TRUE if index is shared

ind_previous    equ     ind_data + 28   ;word   pointer(near) into ind_prev_tbl
ind_prev_tbl    equ     ind_data + 30   ;dword  table of "previous" node. 1st
                                        ;       entry = -1.(root). 2nd element
                                        ;       = previous file offset of 3rd
                                        ;       level node in memory
 ind_prev_ele   equ     8               ;7 levels+root

ind_table_len   equ     ind_data + 32 + (4 * ind_prev_ele )
ind_table_para  equ     (ind_table_len+15)/16
ind_allowed     equ     7               ;number of index files that can
                                        ; be associated with a DBF file

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson