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nh_type         equ     0               ; WORD  The TYPE of the node, either a
                                        ;        LEAF or a BRANCH.
 nh_branch      equ     1
 nh_leaf        equ     2
 nh_root        equ     3
nh_number       equ     2               ; WORD  Number of records inside of
                                        ;        this node.
nh_previous     equ     4               ;DWORD  Number of the previous node.
                                        ;        If this is -1, then this is the
                                        ;        1st node in the file following
                                        ;        the ROOT node

nh_next         equ     8               ;DWORD  Number of the next node. If this
                                        ;        is -1 then this is the LAST
                                        ;        node in the file

nh_header_len   equ     12              ;length of the header portion inside
                                        ; of each node

        ;===WARNING: DON'T ARBITRARILY CHANGE! Always keep values
        ;       multiples of 2 (i.e., we use rep movsw!)

nh_node_size    equ     4096            ;number of bytes for each node.

nh_node_space   equ     nh_node_size-nh_header_len ;(nh_node_size * 3) / 4

nh_nodes_in_16k equ     16343 / nh_node_size

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson