3.12.1 RESTDASD Command

3.13 Backup Access Control Information

The NET.ACC file in X:\IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS (where X is the drive where your OS/2 LAN Server software is installed) contains user and group information. This file also includes server-specific access control information for File Allocation Table (FAT formatted) drives, pipes, printers, and serial devices. For 386 HPFS-formatted drives, Access Control Profiles are not stored in NET.ACC because here ACLs are an integral part of the file system.

Furthermore, the NET.AUD file holds the recorded auditing information if network auditing is turned on.

Many backup software vendors, such as Sytron (Sytos) or IBM (ADSM), claim that they will backup any file system including those specific to OS/2 LAN Server. For verification you should

To backup and restore the ACLs, we used the BACKACC command, which is part of the OS/2 LAN Server product and can usually be found in the \IBMLAN\NETPROG directory.

BACKACC performs the following tasks:

  1. Copies the NET.ACC file

  2. Copies the NET.AUD file

  3. Backs up Access Control Profiles for each drive to be converted to or from 386 HPFS

  4. Deletes access control profiles for nonexistent directories

The syntax for BACKACC is:

BACKACC d:<pathname> /F:<target> /S


Specifies an optional drive letter.
Specifies the path to the directory or file of which permissions are to be backed up.
Specifies a target file to store access control profile information to, which can be used as input for the RESTACC utility. If target is not an absolute path name, the default directory for target is the current working directory.
Recursively backs up all the descendant subdirectories and is valid only if pathname points to a valid directory.

If you have multiple 386 HPFS-formatted drives, you must issue the BACKACC command specifying the drive letter for each drive.

The following example backs up NET.ACC and NET.AUD and updates the target file OS2_C.ACL with the access control information associated with C:\ and the subdirectories below it.


Section 6.11.6 Restoring Access Controls describes how to restore the ACLs saved by BACKACC after the migration.

3.14 Save the DCDB