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Index Entry Section

object hashing11.5 Object Hashing
odd number4.5 Numerical operations
oldest, as pathname component15.1.2 Components of Pathnames
one-dimensional table (defn)11.2 1D Tables
operand, of procedure call (defn)1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax
Operating-System Interface15. Operating-System Interface
operator, of procedure call (defn)1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax
option, run-time-loadable11.4 Hash Tables
option, run-time-loadable11.6 Red-Black Trees
option, run-time-loadable11.7 Weight-Balanced Trees
option, run-time-loadable14.6 Format
optional component, in entries1.1.3 Entry Format
optional parameter (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
order, of argument evaluation1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax
ordering, of characters5.2 Comparison of Characters
ordering, of numbers4.5 Numerical operations
ordering, of strings6.3 Comparison of Strings
OS/2 graphics17.11 OS/2 Graphics
output14. Input/Output
output port operations14.9.4 Output Port Operations
output port, console14.1 Ports
output port, current (defn)14.1 Ports
output port, file14.2 File Ports
output port, string14.3 String Ports
output procedures14.5 Output Procedures

padding, of string6.5 Cutting and Pasting Strings
pair (defn)7. Lists
pair, external representation7. Lists
pair, weak (defn)10.7 Weak Pairs
parameter list, of lambda (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
parameter, optional (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
parameter, required (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
parameter, rest (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
parent, of directory15.1.2 Components of Pathnames
parent, of environment (defn)1.2.2 Environment Concepts
parenthesis, as external representation7. Lists
parenthesis, as external representation8. Vectors
parsing, of external representation14.4 Input Procedures
pasting, of bit strings9.3 Cutting and Pasting Bit Strings
pasting, of lists7.4 Cutting and Pasting Lists
pasting, of strings6.5 Cutting and Pasting Strings
pasting, of symbols10.2 Symbols
path, directory (defn)15.1.2 Components of Pathnames
pathname15. Operating-System Interface
pathname (defn)15.1 Pathnames
pathname components15.1.2 Components of Pathnames
pathname, absolute (defn)15.2 Working Directory
pathname, relative (defn)15.2 Working Directory
period, as external representation7. Lists
physical size, of hash table (defn)11.4.3 Resizing of Hash Tables
plus sign, in entries1.1.3 Entry Format
port14. Input/Output
port (defn)14.1 Ports
port number, TCP15.8 TCP Sockets
port primitives14.9 Port Primitives
port type14.9 Port Primitives
port, console14.1 Ports
port, current14.1 Ports
port, file14.2 File Ports
port, string14.3 String Ports
positive number4.5 Numerical operations
precision, of inexact number4.4 Syntax of numerical constants
predicate (defn)1.3.5 Naming Conventions
predicate (defn)3. Equivalence Predicates
predicate, equivalence (defn)3. Equivalence Predicates
prefix, of string6.7 Matching Strings
pretty printer14.5 Output Procedures
primitive procedure (defn)12. Procedures
primitive, procedure type12. Procedures
print name, of symbol10.2 Symbols
printed output, in examples1.1.2 Examples
printing graphics output17.10.2 Custom Operations for Win32 Graphics
procedure12. Procedures
procedure call (defn)1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax
procedure define (defn)2.4 Definitions
procedure, closing environment (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
procedure, compiled12. Procedures
procedure, compound12. Procedures
procedure, construction2.1 Lambda Expressions
procedure, entry format1.1.3 Entry Format
procedure, escape (defn)12.3 Continuations
procedure, interpreted12. Procedures
procedure, invocation environment (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
procedure, of application hook12.4 Application Hooks
procedure, primitive12. Procedures
procedure, type12. Procedures
product, of numbers4.5 Numerical operations
promise (defn)10.5 Promises
promise, construction10.5 Promises
promise, forcing10.5 Promises
prompting14.8 Prompting
proper tail recursion (defn)1. Overview
property list11. Associations
property list11.2 1D Tables
property list11.3 The Association Table
property list, of symbol10.2 Symbols
protocol, restart (defn)16.4 Restarts
pseudo-random number4.8 Random Numbers

quote, as external representation2.6 Quoting
quotient, of integers4.5 Numerical operations
quotient, of numbers4.5 Numerical operations
quoting2.6 Quoting

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