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Index Entry Section

d, as exponent marker in number4.4 Syntax of numerical constants
decoded time15.5 Date and Time
default object (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
defaulting, of pathname15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames
defaulting, of pathname15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames
define, procedure (defn)2.4 Definitions
defining foreign procedures18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures
defining foreign types18.2.1 Windows Types
defining foreign types18.2.1 Windows Types
definition2.4 Definitions
definition, internal2.4.2 Internal Definitions
definition, internal (defn)2.4 Definitions
definition, top-level2.4.1 Top-Level Definitions
definition, top-level (defn)2.4 Definitions
deletion, of alist element11.1 Association Lists
deletion, of file15.3 File Manipulation
deletion, of list element7.5 Filtering Lists
delimiter, in programs (defn)1.3.2 Delimiters
device coordinates, graphics (defn)17.2 Coordinates for Graphics
device, pathname component15.1.2 Components of Pathnames
difference, of numbers4.5 Numerical operations
directive, format (defn)14.6 Format
directory path (defn)15.1.2 Components of Pathnames
directory, converting pathname to15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames
directory, current working (defn)15.2 Working Directory
directory, pathname component15.1.2 Components of Pathnames
directory, predicate for15.3 File Manipulation
directory, reading15.1.4 Miscellaneous Pathname Procedures
directory, reading15.4 Directory Reader
discrete maps, using binary trees11.7 Weight-Balanced Trees
discretionary flushing, of buffered output14.5 Output Procedures
disembodied property list10.2 Symbols
display, clearing14.5 Output Procedures
display, X graphics17.9.2 Utilities for X Graphics
division, of integers4.5 Numerical operations
division, of numbers4.5 Numerical operations
DLL, DIBUTILS.DLL18.3 Device Independent Bitmap Utilities
DLL, exports18.3.2 Other parts of the DIB Utilities implementation
DLL, GDI32.DLL18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures
DLL, KERNEL32.DLL18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures
DLL, loading18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures
DLL, USER32.DLL18.2.2 Windows Foreign Procedures
dot, as external representation7. Lists
dotted notation, for pair (defn)7. Lists
dotted pair (see pair)7. Lists
double precision, of inexact number4.4 Syntax of numerical constants
double quote, as external representation6. Strings
drawing arcs and circles, graphics17.9.3 Custom Operations on X Graphics Devices
drawing arcs and circles, graphics17.9.3 Custom Operations on X Graphics Devices
drawing mode, graphics (defn)17.4 Characteristics of Graphics Output
dynamic binding2.3 Dynamic Binding
dynamic binding16.3 Condition Handling
dynamic binding16.3 Condition Handling
dynamic binding, and continuations2.3 Dynamic Binding
dynamic binding, versus static scoping1.2.4 Static Scoping
dynamic types (defn)1. Overview

e, as exponent marker in number4.4 Syntax of numerical constants
effector, restart (defn)16.4 Restarts
element, of list (defn)7. Lists
ellipse, graphics17.10.2 Custom Operations for Win32 Graphics
ellipsis, in entries1.1.3 Entry Format
else clause, of case expression (defn)2.7 Conditionals
else clause, of cond expression (defn)2.7 Conditionals
empty list (defn)7. Lists
empty list, external representation7. Lists
empty list, predicate for7.3 Selecting List Components
empty stream, predicate for10.6 Streams
empty string, predicate for6.2 Selecting String Components
end of file object (see EOF object)14.4 Input Procedures
end, of substring (defn)6. Strings
end, of subvector (defn)8. Vectors
entity (defn)12.4 Application Hooks
entry format1.1.3 Entry Format
environment (defn)1.2.2 Environment Concepts
environment, current (defn)1.2.3 Initial and Current Environments
environment, extension (defn)1.2.2 Environment Concepts
environment, initial (defn)1.2.3 Initial and Current Environments
environment, of procedure2.1 Lambda Expressions
environment, procedure closing (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
environment, procedure invocation (defn)2.1 Lambda Expressions
EOF object, construction14.9.2 Constructors and Accessors for Ports
EOF object, predicate for14.4 Input Procedures
equivalence predicate (defn)3. Equivalence Predicates
equivalence predicate, for bit strings9.4 Bitwise Operations on Bit Strings
equivalence predicate, for boolean objects10.1 Booleans
equivalence predicate, for characters5.2 Comparison of Characters
equivalence predicate, for fixnums4.7.1 Fixnum Operations
equivalence predicate, for flonums4.7.2 Flonum Operations
equivalence predicate, for numbers4.5 Numerical operations
equivalence predicate, for pathname host15.1.4 Miscellaneous Pathname Procedures
equivalence predicate, for pathnames15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames
equivalence predicate, for strings6.3 Comparison of Strings
equivalence predicate, of hash table11.4.1 Construction of Hash Tables
equivalence predicates, for characters5.2 Comparison of Characters
error messages, conventions16.2 Error Messages
error, in examples1.1.2 Examples
error, unassigned variable1.2.1 Variable Bindings
error, unbound variable (defn)1.2.2 Environment Concepts
error--> notational convention1.1.2 Examples
errors, notational conventions1.1.1 Errors
escape character, for string6. Strings
escape procedure (defn)12.3 Continuations
escape procedure, alternate invocation12.3 Continuations
evaluation order, of arguments1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax
evaluation, call by need (defn)10.5 Promises
evaluation, in examples1.1.2 Examples
evaluation, lazy (defn)10.5 Promises
evaluation, of s-expression13.1 Environment Operations
even number4.5 Numerical operations
exactness4.2 Exactness
examples1.1.2 Examples
existence, testing of file15.3 File Manipulation
exit, non-local12.3 Continuations
exponent marker (defn)4.4 Syntax of numerical constants
expression (defn)1.4 Expressions
expression, binding (defn)1.2.4 Static Scoping
expression, conditional (defn)2.7 Conditionals
expression, constant (defn)1.4.1 Literal Expressions
expression, input from port14.4 Input Procedures
expression, iteration (defn)2.9 Iteration
expression, literal (defn)1.4.1 Literal Expressions
expression, output to port14.5 Output Procedures
expression, procedure call (defn)1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax
expression, special form (defn)1.4.3 Special Form Syntax
extended comment, in programs (defn)1.3.6 Comments
extension, of environment (defn)1.2.2 Environment Concepts
extent, of dynamic binding (defn)2.3 Dynamic Binding
extent, of objects1. Overview
external representation (defn)1.2.6 External Representations
external representation, and quasiquote2.6 Quoting
external representation, and quote2.6 Quoting
external representation, for bit string9. Bit Strings
external representation, for character5.1 External Representation of Characters
external representation, for empty list7. Lists
external representation, for list7. Lists
external representation, for number4.4 Syntax of numerical constants
external representation, for pair7. Lists
external representation, for procedure12. Procedures
external representation, for string6. Strings
external representation, for symbol10.2 Symbols
external representation, for vector8. Vectors
external representation, generating14.5 Output Procedures
external representation, parsing14.4 Input Procedures
extra object, of application hook12.4 Application Hooks

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