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Domain Expert

    Elbert, age 50, is manager of the organization's computer network, and is considered an expert in network management. His job is to fix, manage, and maintain the network. needs analysis tools, adequate time and budget, and technicians. He knows that overtime - unpaid - is expected of him as needed. What he needs from others, above all, is cooperation - and, of course, problem reports. He is happiest when the network does not crash, and when he has satisfied his users' needs. He is least happy when the network crashes, and when he is given unreasonable schedules for fixing problems. Mr. Expert is a moody guy; coworkers know to keep away from him on his bad days. His guiding principle is, "As long as they pay me okay, I'm fine."

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995