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General Manager (GM)

    Ross, age 50, is the senior manager in this drama. His main responsibility, as he sees it, is to ensure annual profitability. To accomplish this he needs timely and accurate information, good advice from his Director of Technology, and good employee morale. He places a premium on his employees' happiness, motivation, and desire to excel; he also expects sacrifice and long hours from them. He dislikes lack of "ownership" by his employees, the attitude that this is just a job, apathy, and low standards. Ross has at his disposal some excellent staff at various levels of the organization. He knows that his budget is inadequate for all of the technology base and infrastructure needs that his people articulate. He knows that competition from other companies is getting stiffer, but is not sure how to address it: there is too much technology "hype" to understand (most recently, OO) and, indeed, too much management "hype" to understand (most recently BPR). His dilemma in this drama is the perennial question: where to put the money?

Larry Latour
Tue Sep 19 00:30:00 EDT 1995