Reuse Process Framework Overview

STARS has identified functions and processes supporting reuse in the context of software-intensive system development and maintenance. Further, these reuse supporting activities have been organized into a process framework containing four families of processes. The names of these families emphasize the primary purpose of each. The reuse process families (see Figure [*]) are:

Figure: STARS Reuse Process Framework

The families of the reuse process framework can be decomposed further to identify processes and functions focusing on different aspects of each family's purpose. Individual organizations may use different decompositions of these families to suit their goals and business strategies. Brief descriptions of processes in the decomposition currently being used by STARS are given in following sections [*], [*], [*], and [*].

The arrows in Figure [*] represent the extensive information flow, influence, and feedback among the four process families. In general, the arrows represent the flow of decisions, constraints, experience lessons, and assets.

As the figure shows, inputs to the reuse process framework are market forces, existing assets, systems, domain expertise, and tools. A market force is defined as requirements or needs of any intended customer. Software systems, software architectures, software components, asset libraries, experience reports, domain analysis results, and domain models are examples of the output software and related products shown in the figure.

The results of the asset planning processes feed separately into the asset creation, asset management, and asset utilization process families. Planning processes set goals and strategies, select and effect the tailoring of processes consistent with the goals and strategies, and identify and allocate existing resources. The asset creation process family produces software and software related assets. The asset management process family evaluates, describes, and organizes the assets provided by the asset creation process family. The asset utilization process family accesses the organized assets to construct software-intensive systems.

Lessons learned regarding the usage, applicability, quality, and reusability of assets are feedback from the asset utilization processes to the asset management processes. Lessons learned regarding missing assets or possible asset generalizations are feedback from the asset utilization processes into the asset creation processes. Lessons learned regarding asset quality and description are feedback from the asset management processes to the asset creation processes. Needs for new assets; lessons learned regarding process usage, applicability, and quality; and new process assets are feedback from the asset creation, asset management, and asset utilization processes into the asset planning processes.
