Site-Map of the International Lyrics Server

ILS Search
Approximative If you don't know the exact spelling of the artist/album/song, go here.
Browse Browse through all the Artists in our Database.
Fulltext Type a fragment of the lyrics and you'll find the artist/album/song title.
Normal Fill in artist or album or song title. The fastest way to find the lyrics.

ILS News
History A list of events and milestones since the beginning of ILS.
New songs A list of all the songs added during the last 7 days.
News The past, the present and the future of ILS.
Top 10 The 10 most downloaded songs. Updated weekly.

ILS Interactive
Add Add your preferred songs easily via e-mail.
Corrections Correct wrong songs on this page. Not yet functional, but a preview is available.
Download The ultimate resource of utilities to retrieve, download and format your private collection of lyrics.
Newsgroups The ILS newsgroups are the perfect area to request and discuss song lyrics.
Wanted A list of songs we don't have yet. You are invited to search and add them.

ILS Public Relations
About Some facts about us and our services.
Contact There are many ways to get in touch with us. All info is here.
Gallery See the previous Miss and Mr. Lyrics.
Contest Send us your picture and get seen by 40,000 visitors a day.

ILS Guide
Copyright Read this before printing or downloading lyrics.
Help Having problems? Look here.
Home The main page. Starting point and navigation tool.
Links A small selection of other lyrics and music resources on the internet.


© by, last change: 08-May-98, 21:29 CEST