Lyrics Server Help

Nothing found?

Our database is far from complete. We are adding new songs daily, but there will always be lyrics we don't have. We invite you to add lyrics via our Add page.

If you don't find a song, enter less data i.e. leave some fields blank. Try to browse through all the artists we have.

Songs not accurate?

Accuracy is always a problem with lyrics. Often there are different versions of a song (live/studio) which have different or additional lyrics. You can discuss about this with others in our correction newsgroup lyrics.corrections.

We review each song which is added, but sometimes (especially rap songs with slang expressions) it's difficult to decide if a song is right or wrong. As we can't process corrections manually via e-mail, we are working on an interactive Correction page.

Requesting songs?

We can't search songs for you, but you can place your requests on our Wanted page. There is also a special newsgroup for requesting lyrics: lyrics.wanted

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Visit our Site-Map which lists every page we have.

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© by, last change: Saturday, 06-Jun-1998 20:54:26 CEST