BR 's Classic Rock Photos

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This collection of  Images was gathered from various Videos.

The respective rights of the original Images belong to the appropriate parties.

Jimi Hendrix

(Montery Pop Festival)

arm_up.gif (12486 bytes)  2.gif (20191 bytes)  behind.gif (10401 bytes)

Hendrix_Burn.gif (16585 bytes)  Humping.gif (10630 bytes)  Image84.gif (17102 bytes)

** Hendrix Info/stories **    **Woodstock Program**

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Def  Lepeard

1Arm.gif (13630 bytes)  def_all.gif (23336 bytes)  sing.gif (17066 bytes)

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Paul.gif (14435 bytes)  Beatles_all.gif (20872 bytes)    John.gif (14592 bytes)

Beatles_stage.gif (22706 bytes)

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ZZ Top

zz.gif (24827 bytes)   zz13.gif (18195 bytes)

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Rod Stewart

RodHead.gif (20799 bytes)                RodLegs.gif (22647 bytes)

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More To Come Soon !

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Web Page Design And Creation By


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Washington , DC

Phone: 301-391-6863

Copyright 1997 DWP/B.Remer