August 15, 16, 17, and 18th 1969

These images are scans of the official WOODSTOCK Program

wood1.gif (190359 bytes)

Front Cover of Program

http://www.dwp2001.com/rock/wood/wood_hendrix_S.gif (14414 bytes)                   http://www.dwp2001.com/rock/wood/wood_band_s.gif (14167 bytes)                  http://www.dwp2001.com/rock/wood/wood_iron_s.gif (12147 bytes)                http://www.dwp2001.com/rock/wood/wood_who_s.gif (11025 bytes)

                  Jimi Hendrix                  The Band                 Iron Butterfly                The Who

(Click on the Images above to see them Full Size )

http://www.dwp2001.com/rock/wood/wood2.gif (166961 bytes)

Inside Cover

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