Environmental Issues

A Project Invitation from Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii...

Calling All Middle School Students!

Is some foreign plant choking off native trees in your area? Are native animals being killed by the hundreds? Is industrial pollution ruining the air you breathe? If so, we cordially invite you to present a project on an enviromental issue concerning your community. We believe that our generation is responsible for the preservation of our earth, and that we must start being aware of our surroundings. Pick an issue that you are interested in and suggest possible solutions.

7th Graders from Paola Williams' technology classes from Punahou School.

How can YOU join our project?

Fill out this survey and tell us about your environmental problems. Mail it to Paola Williams and the 7th Graders of the Internet Club, Punahou School Honolulu, Hawaii. They will post the results in MidLink.