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Productions for the Polish Television Theatre directed by Andrzej Wajda:

Macbeth [Makbet], William Shakespeare
Warsaw, premiere: 30.06.1969
bnw, 106'

Noc listopadowa [November Night], Stanislaw Wyspianski,
A televised version of the Teatr Stary production in Cracow
Warsaw, premiere: 3. 04. 1978
colour, 107'

Wieczernik [The Upper Room], Ernest Bryll
A documentary recording of the performance which took place on 28.04.85 in Warsaw, Kosciol Milosierdzia Bozego
colour, 68' 45"

Zbrodnia i kara [Crime and Punishment], Fyodor Dostoyevski
transferred from Teatr Stary in Krakowie
Cracow, premiere: 13.04.1987
colour, 126' 51"

Silniejsza [The Stronger], August Strindberg
Warsaw, premiere: 25.12.1991
colour, 28' 27"

Hamlet (IV), William Shakespear
A televised version of the Teatr Stary production in Cracow
Warsaw, premiere: 27.01.1992
colour, 153' 18"

Improwizacje wroclawskie [Wroclaw Improvisations]
a production opening the Grand Stage of the Teatr Polski after the fire:
Improwizacja wroclawska [Wroclaw Improvisation] , Tadeusz Rozewicz
Improwizacja paryska [Paris Improvisation], Jean Giraudoux
Improwizacja w Wersalu [Versaille Improvisation], Moliere
XWR, emission on 20.05.96
colour, 27', 26', 27'


Adamaszkowy bebenek [The Damask Drum], Yukio Mishima
Pro Arte, premiere: 13.03.1997
colour, 32' 15"

Mishima, Yukio Mishima
Three one act plays: The Fan, The Cabinet, Madame Aoi
Pro Arte, premiere 2.06.1997
Colour, 79' 40"

Bigda idzie! [BigdaÆs Coming!], Juliusz Kaden-Bandrowski
Akson Studio, premiere: 29.11.1999
colour, 93' 38"

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