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Welcome to the Andrzej Wajda's website. All material contained on this Website is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.

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You may not otherwise distribute so obtained material in any form, specifically you may not place it in other Internet sites. Any use of this Website material for commercial purposes, including copying, modification, distribution, transmission, publication and presentation in whole or in part is possible only after obtaining our written permission.

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For press publication purposes you are allowed to quote in whole or in part from the statements of Andrzej Wajda contained on this Website, provided that each such quotation contains reference to its source (the source being the Website Each publication of visual materials (photographs and drawings) requires our separate written permission.

Please submit all requests for permission to use the material from our Website for commercial purposes to the Copyright Department, Proszynski i S-ka, Garazowa 7, PL-02-651 Warszawa, tel: (+4822) 607-79-35, fax: (+4822) 843-52-15, email:

The website has been prepared, with collaboration of Andrzej Wajda and on his request. More about us can be found at

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