

What is an Internet Mailing List?

An Internet electronic mailing list is a register of Internet addresses of individuals interested in automatically receiving new information (documents, news, announcements, etc.) on a particular financial management topic of interest. The FinanceNet mailing lists open for public subscription use the "Listproc" program software to automatically respond to specifically worded commands to subscribe and unsubscribe users and to respond to certain "special option" commands that provide further utility.

To subscribe, unsubscribe and set the various automatic options available, you must be very careful to word your command exactly as advised. Otherwise the automatic list management software will not recognize your request and require you to repeat the command(s) correctly. You are always notified when a command is either accepted or rejected. If a command is rejected, the response you receive will usually describe the error that you probably made in your command statement and recommend a correction so that you can reissue the command properly.

Subscription to any of the FinanceNet e-mail lists is free and available to anyone interested in improving government financial management through the sharing of information and ideas. There are multiple e-mail lists within the FinanceNet network, each dedicated to a government financial management discipline or professional organization.

Each FinanceNet mailing list is "coordinated" by a member of the FinanceNet Core Team who is familiar with the topic of the list. Coordination involves monitoring the list, checking for and reporting disruptive inflammatory messages, insuring that the appropriate new documents, newsletters, journals, bulletins, circulars, or other pertinent items of interest to the list membership get distributed to the list, and making policy recommendations back to the Core Team for list enhancements.

You are free (in fact encouraged) to post pertinent documents, news or announcements (or notices of the electronic location of same) to any of the FinanceNet mailing lists. You are not required to be a subscriber to a list to post to it. However, to receive distributions posted to a particular list you must be a subscriber to that list.

All communications to the list (postings) are addressed to the list itself (i.e. int-controls@financenet.gov). All subscription service requests must always go to the list manager address (i.e. listproc@financenet.gov) or they will not get processed. Back to Index.


FinanceNet Mailing Lists Currently Available

Below is a current listing of all publicly available FinanceNet Internet mailing lists open for subscription. Lists are intended for posting and receiving all news, announcements, notices, information, comments, and questions generally relating to the list topics. In many cases, the information posted to the mailing lists will also be posted on the library servers. Given first is the list title and second the list address to send all messages intended to go to the entire list membership (see How to Post Messages...). Under each list title are a few samples of appropriate financial management topics that each list may address.

You must always use your true name (John Doe) in the commands below (not your e-mail address). Always send subscription requests (subscribe, unsubscribe, etc) to the listproc adddress "listproc@financenet.gov". Never send list subscription orders to the list itself.



News / News@financenet.gov

FinanceNet's "master" listserver, the "News" Internet e-mail list, is intended as a news and announcements distribution list for information pertinent to Federal, International state and local public finance professionals. The intent is to catalyze improvements in the accountability and stewardship of public assets and taxpayer resources at all levels of government. The "News" list is also designed for the distribution of all general public finance documents, testimony, calendar events, training and employment notices, etc. Participants are encouraged to post their own region's news and announcements to this list. To subscribe to "News", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE News yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Government Asset Sales / GovSales@financenet.gov

FinanceNet's "GovSales" listserver, is intended as a "one-stop-shop" distribution list for news, notices and announcements relating to the public sale of all manner of assets posted by Federal, state and local governments. Included will be notices for auctions and public sales and information on hard, soft and financial assets covering everything from loans and estates to boats and cars. To subscribe to "GovSales", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE GovSales yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


State & County Issues / state-county@financenet.gov

A distribution and discussion list for issues broadly relating to government financial stewardship and taxpayer accountability issues at state and county levels of government. Documents and discussions will broadly relate to accounting matters, bonds, revenues and taxation, budgets, systems, fees, licenses, audits, controls, payroll, and all other issues of interest to local gov't financial managers and taxpayers. To subscribe to "state-county", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE state-county yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Municipalities and Townships / MuniNet@financenet.gov

(A distribution and discussion list for issues relating to financial accountability and stewardship of municipalities, towns and townships within larger geopolitical jurisdictions. As in the "state-county" list, documents and discussions will broadly relate to accounting matters, bonds, revenues and taxation, budgets, systems, fees, licenses, audits, controls, payroll, and all other issues of interest to clerks, and other local gov't financial management staff and taxpayers. This list will also provide a communications medium for the membership and agenda issues for the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, and other local gov't professional organizations). To subscribe to "MuniNet", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE MuniNet yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


BudgetNet / budget-net@financenet.gov

A distribution and discussion list for revenue, appropriation and budget issues at all levels of government related to the mission of BudgetNet, a NetResults network of people at the National Performance Review. To subscribe to "budget-net", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE budget-net yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Internal Controls / int-controls@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues relating to the Federal Financial Managers Integrity Act; the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) high risk list; general government waste, fraud and abuse of resources; related Inspector General audit findings and recommendations; issues related OMB circulars A-123, A-127 and A-50; and management control reviews and plans, etc. To subscribe to "int-controls", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE int-controls yourname (no subject need be entered)Back to Index.


Financial Systems / fin-systems@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues relating to systems integration, core systems, systems requirements, computer hardware and software, contractors, useful life, information architecture, functional standards, data dictionaries, standard general ledger implementation, cross-servicing, general improvements, etc. To subscribe to "fin-systems", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE fin-systems yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Performance Measures / perf-measures@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues relating to the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), outcome vs. output measures, statistical presentation and reporting, performance measures impact, development, standards, compliance, etc. To subscribe to "perf-measures", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE perf-measures yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Financial Policy / fin-policy@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues relating to financial management policy incorporated within OMB Circulars, Treasury Bulletins and accounting standards from FASAB, GASB, etc. To subscribe to "fin-policy", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE fin-policy yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Financial Statements & Reporting / fin-reporting@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues broadly relating to the various financial reporting requirements of the Treasury and Office of Management and Budget; financial statements issues, accountability and stewardship reporting, policy, procedures, improvements, standards, etc. To subscribe to "fin-reporting", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE fin-reporting yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Financial Audits / fin-audits@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues relating to the relations between the CFO and audit communities, agency audit findings and recommendations, audit follow-up and validation procedures, materiality thresholds, IG vs. IPA audits, financial audit resources and staffing, etc. To subscribe to "fin-audits", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE fin-audits yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Asset-Liability Management / asset-liab-mgt@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues relating to balance sheet issues, of interest to subscribers across all geopolitical boundaries, such as the government credit card; topically related legislation, bulletins and circulars; receivables and payables, cash reconciliations, cash advances and accounting issues, Prompt Pay, heritage assets, R&D expenditures, capitalization, credit reform, insurance and guarantee programs, contingencies, social insurance, pension benefits, etc. To subscribe to "asset-liab-mgt", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE asset-liab-mgt yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Financial Personnel & Training / fin-training@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues relating to postings for new financial management training opportunities and vacancies, personnel training issues and resources, course content, professional readiness, applicant pool size, classification standards, position descriptions, etc. To subscribe to "fin-training", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE fin-training yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Payroll / payroll@financenet.gov

A distribution list for issues broadly relating to payroll issues at all levels of government. To subscribe to "payroll", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE payroll yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Travel Administration / travel@financenet.gov

A distribution and discussion list for issues broadly relating to improving travel administration at all levels of government. To subscribe to "travel", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE travel yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Procurement / procurement@financenet.gov

A distribution and discussion list for issues broadly relating to procurement, and especially the Federal Electronic Commerce Acquisition Team and electronic data interchange issues at all levels of government. To subscribe to "procurement", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE procurement yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


General Public Finance Topics / general@financenet.gov

FinanceNet's Internet listprocessor "general@financenet.gov" is a distribution and discussion list for all public finance topics of interest that do not conveniently fall into one of the categories represented by the other FinanceNet mailing lists. To subscribe to "general", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE general yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


Listservers targeted to Professional Organizations and Other Groups:

Association of Government Accountants / aga@financenet.gov

To subscribe to "AGA":
If you know your Internet address, use this Web form. . Otherwise send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE AGA YOURNAME (no subject need be entered).
(Back to Index).


Government Finance Officers Assoc. / GFOA@financenet.gov

To subscribe to "GFOA", send subscription request to listproc@financenet.gov with one line in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE GFOA yourname (no subject need be entered).Back to Index.


You must use your true name (John Doe) in the commands above (not your e-mail address).

Always send subscription requests (subscribe, unsubscribe, etc) to the listproc adddress, listproc@financenet.gov. Never send list subscription orders to the list itself. Back to Index.


To Reach a Live Person

In the rare situation in which you may need personal attention from a live individual relating to a special mailing list request or problem, send your e-mail comment or request to the list manager, support@financenet.gov. Contacting the list manager for anything other than compliments should be your last option...NOT your first. The whole idea is that YOU manage your account with the list and the manager only steps in when the need goes beyond what the list service will allow you to do.


How to Unsubscribe

To unsubscribe (signoff) from any FinanceNet e-mail list simply send in the first line of the body of a mail message the command:

unsubscribe list-name
example: unsubscribe int-controls

and send via e-mail to listproc@financenet.gov. Again, DO NOT address your "unsubscription" or other service request to the particular mailing list name itself. All such requests MUST go to the "listproc" address above. All service requests do not require the subject line to be filled out, although you may do so for your own record keeping if you like. If you send your "unsubscribe" request to the list itself you will NOT be unsubscribed, and everyone on the list will receive a wasted message.

We enthusiastically encourage you to actively subscribe to and participate in FinanceNet mailing lists by browsing and replying to messages. However, until you become accustomed to the structure and nature of the lists, you may want to just browse the messages at the beginning until you gain confidence. Also, as you begin to acquaint yourself with the process, you may want to limit your subscriptions to only those lists of particular interest. This will also reduce the likelihood of an overloading of your e-mail inbox. Back to Index..


How to Post (Send) Messages and Responses to the List

By default, everything you post to the list goes to every subscriber on the list, and the list may have thousands of members. There are times when you only want to reply to the individual that posted a particular message. Make sure you address your message to that individual rather than simply using the reply option on your e-mail service. The reply option will send your message back to all members of the list.


Quoting In A Reply

If your e-mail package allows you to quote the message you are replying to...USE IT. Don't quote the whole message...just quote enough so that the other person understands what you are replying to. Many members of a list get and send a lot of mail. They need a memory jogger as to what you are talking about. If you don't have a quote feature, add a reminder as part of your reply.


Be Brief

This is a gray area that requires good judgment, but the general rule is to keep your posts to a list short and to the point (this post is not a good example). Most subscribers are not looking for 10 page books. If you have a lot to say, then send a message to the list announcing your book and how they can request it...DON'T drop a book into 2,000 mail boxes with out permission. The practice of dropping large messages on a list is also a problem for the list manager's equipment. The computer managing the list has to work overtime when someone posts a huge document to thousands of e-mail addresses.

To send a message to the entire list, always address it to the list itself:

Example: int-controls@financenet.gov

You may subscribe to as many lists as you like, but you will need to keep in mind that should a message ever be sent to all of the FinanceNet mailing lists (for instance a general interest message from the FinanceNet Core Team), you will get a duplicate message for every list you subscribe to. Back to Index.


Some Good General Mailing List Tips

A list service wants to avoid subscribing and unsubscribing users on a case-by-case basis. Individuals send subscription service commands directly to the list processor via e-mail messages rather than relying on the list manager to manually and laboriously do it for them. FinanceNet mailing lists are expected to develop thousands of subscribers, so its not practical for the manager to personally assist in subscription service requests unless absolutely necessary.

The Listproc software sends a message back to a new subscriber that explains how to unsubscribe from the list, set various list service options and get additional help. A good practice is to save that document for future reference. A good way to manage this is to create a physical or electronic directory/folder called Listproc (or what ever you like). Under that directory/folder create directories for every list you subscribe to. Next, store anything related to that service in its directory for future referral.


Change of Addresses

If you know your e-mail address is going to change, unsubscribe from ALL lists that you belong to before the address changes. Then re-subscribe to them again using the new address. If you wait till you are using the new address, the list manager will have to unsubscribe you from the list under the old address. If were unable to unsubscribe before your address changed, send a subscribe message to the list and a second message to the manager asking that your old address be removed. Back to Index.


The Digest Command

One excellent way to avoid e-mail inbox overloading, or to solve the problem of a currently overloaded e-mail inbox, is to use the "digest" command. This useful command will "digest" all messages posted to a particular mailing list by sending you only _one_ message per day. That one message will include every message sent to the list that day with a handy "index" to all the posted messages up font to help you sort through the day's e-mail traffic.

The only disadvantage to setting the "digest" option is that it makes replying to any particular message in the "digest" more difficult. To respond to a message buried within the "digest" would require you to manually jot down the address of the sender, and then address a separate message as your reply. We suggest you use the "digest" setting only when necessary should your e-mail inbox become overloaded.

To set the "digest" option (for the "int-controls" example), include in the first line of the body of an e-mail message the following command:

set mail digest
Example: set int-controls mail digest

and send via e-mail to listproc@financenet.gov The reversing listproc command to turn off digest option is:

set mail ack
Example: set int-controls mail ack

WARNING: DO NOT send a list maintenance message for change of address, the setting of special options, subscribe or unsubscribe messages to the lists themselves (example above). Your list maintenance message will go out to every member of the list and will be quite disconcerting to everyone. Send any and all automatic list maintenance and service commands only to listproc@financenet.gov Send special subscription requests, comments or evaluations to support@financenet.gov


Additional Maining List Information

For additional information on FinanceNet Internet e-mail list commands send the following request in the first line of the body of an e-mail message:


and send to listproc@financenet.gov For complete information on all FinanceNet services send a blank e-mail message to info@financenet.gov You will automatically receive a response by return e-mail with complete details. Back to Index.



Remember that YOU are the key to the success of FinanceNet. This is YOUR medium. We enthusiastically encourage your active use of these electronic libraries, mailing lists and discussion forums. We also encourage your active promotion use of these FinanceNet services among other government financial managers, accountants and auditors. Again, only through active and continuous use of FinanceNet services can we hope to improve financial management policies and practices through this medium. If you have questions, comments, service or document recommendations for posting on FinanceNet servers, you are invited to send e-mail to either of the following FinanceNet Core Team Co-Chairs listed below. Your comments may even be posted on our Gopher and WWW servers under "Evaluation and Comments," a sort of "letters to the editor column."

FinanceNet Core Team Co-Chairs at the NPR:

B. Preston Rich
National Science Foundation
E-Mail: Preston.Rich@financenet.gov

Linda L.Hoogeveen
Office of Management and Budget
E-Mail: Hoogeveen_L@a1.eop.gov


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