WWC snapshot of http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/submit.html taken on Fri May 5 15:43:05 1995

Submitting Sequence Data to GenBank


One of the most important sources of data for GenBank is direct submissions from scientists. NCBI is committed to providing timely and accurate processing for new entries and updates to existing entries.

Your Manuscript

Most journals now expect that DNA and amino acid sequences that appear in articles will be submitted to a sequence database before publication. Please be aware that it is only necessary to submit the sequence to one database, whichever one is most convenient, without regard for where the sequence may be published. Data exchange between GenBank, EMBL and DDBJ occurs daily.

Submitting a Sequence

Accession Numbers

GenBank will provide you with a unique ID number to identify your sequence, usually within one working day, if the submission is received via electronic mail. This accession number serves as confirmation that you have submitted your data, and allows the community to retrieve the data upon reading the journal article.

The accession number should be included in your manuscript, preferably in a footnote on the first page of the article, or as required by individual journal procedures.


NCBI processes update requests as well as new submissions. You can provide additional annotation, correct errors or omissions, or request the release of a "hold-until-published" record. BankIt or Authorin may be used for Updates, or you can use an e-mail form. You may also send updates as narrative e-mail messages or as appropriately edited GenBank flat file records. Be sure to give the accession number of the sequence to be updated along with all update, correction, or publication information. Send it to:


Submission Form

We urge submitters to use BankIt or Authorin, but if you are unable to do so, we have an electronic submission form that can be used as an alternative. Please specify that you need the electronic submission form. Request it from:


Submission of ESTs and STSs

Batches of ESTs (expressed sequence tags) and STSs (sequence tagged sites) can be submitted via special streamlined procedures.


Some authors are concerned that the appearance of their data in GenBank prior to publication will compromise their work. GenBank will, upon request, withhold release of new submissions until the paper is published.

We encourage authors to inform us of the appearance of the published data; failure to do so could result in delays in making your data available in GenBank. Please send the full publication data--all authors, title, journal, volume, pages and date--to the following address:


Rev. 02/07/95