WWC snapshot of http://kingfish.ssp.nmfs.gov/Search.html taken on Sat Jun 10 11:54:27 1995

W3 Search Engines

This documents collects some of the most useful search engines available on the WWW. Omissions are the fault of the maintainer. Suggestions for additions are welcome! Submit buttons have now been added to accommodate non-Mosaic browsers.

Looking for:

Last update on September 26, 1994.

Information Servers

List-based WWW Catalogs

CUI World Wide Web Catalog

Global Network Academy Meta-Library

Aliweb (Archie-like Indexing for the Web)

Spider-based WWW Catalogs

WebCrawler (Search WWW document content)

RBSE's URL database (Search WWW document full text)

WWW Nomad

JumpStation (Search WWW document title or header)

NorthStar (Search WWW document headers)

WWW Worm

WWW Worm

See also:

Other Catalogs

Lycos WWW search engine at Carnegie Mellon University

The Whole Internet Catalog

Veronica (Gopher directory search)

Search the Web at EINet Galaxy

Veronica subset (Gopher directory search) at EINet Galaxy

Jughead (Gopher directory search)

WAIS directory-of-servers index (gateway access)

WAIS directory-of-servers index (direct access)

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Archieplex (Swiss server at SWITCH)

The Language List

The Free Compilers List

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Netfind gateway (name key key ...)

Finger gateway at mit.edu

Finger gateway at

Ph gateway at

UFN Search (X.500 directory)

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Rik Harris' Abstracts Index

The Unified CS TR Index

Computer Science TR Archive Sites

OO Bibliography (object-oriented and related papers)

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WAIS FAQ Search at Utrecht University

HTTP FAQ Search (broken?)

Gopher FAQ Search

News Archives (WAIS index)

Search news.announce.conferences

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Big Dummy Search

Internet Drafts Index Search

RFC Index Search

WWWFinder (NCSA WAIS Search)

BSD/386 Hypertext Man Pages

CUI Computer Science Library

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Other Interesting Things

Hacker's Jargon

Acronym Search

WIRED Archive

Say (Text to Speech Translator)

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See also: CUI's collected search engines.

This page was originally inspired by NCSA's Experimental Search Engine Meta-Index.

Thanks to all who have contributed suggestions!

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