WWC snapshot of http://kingfish.ssp.nmfs.gov/home-page.html taken on Sat Jun 10 5:39:48 1995

National Marine Fisheries Service

U.S. Department of Commerce

Coastal America

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


1335 E-W Highway

Silver Spring, MD 20910-3226


The National Marine Fisheries Service administers NOAA'sprograms which support the domestic and international conservation and management of living marine resources. NMFS provides services and products to support domestic and international fisheries management operations, fisheries development, trade and industry assistance activities, enforcement, protected species and habitat conservation operations, and the scientific and technical aspects of NOAA's marine fisheries program.

Recent Press Releases can be found in NMFS IN THE NEWS

NMFS Data Resource Directory

This document is currently under construction.

Information on Financial Assistance for Research and Development Projects to Strengthen and Develop the U.S. Fishing Industry.

Clicking at this sound point will give an audio welcome.

For a listing of the new additions to this server, click on the NMFS What's New Page

To find instructions on how to download data, click here


Office Of Protected Resources

Office of International Affairs

Office of Habitat Protection

Office of Trade and Industry Services

Scientific Publications Office


Our Living Oceans Annual Report

Index For Fisheries of the U.S. -1992

Computer Images of Southeastern U.S. Marine Fishes

IT 95 Information

Global Sea Surface Temperature Maps

A listing of NMFS related technical reports available for order.

A list of Salmon WWW pages

Here are some interesting Whale Songs .

Here are assorted MPEG movies and sound files


National Marine Fisheries Service Principal Facilities

National Marine Fisheries Science Centers

National Marine Fisheries Regional Offices

National Marine Fisheries Related Points Of Interest (large list)

Other Useful Points Of Interest

Internet Search Engines

National Performance Review Information System

Here are some Staff home pages

The NMFS WWW server usage statistics.

Please email any comments to


last updated January 12, 1995