How to download data through Mosaic

Welcome to our home page. We hope that you are finding our information useful. For those of you who are new to Mosaic and would like to be able to download some of our data (images, movies, text) here are some easy instructions.

1. Go to the main menu bar and click on "Options".

2. Click on "Load to Local Disk" from the listing.

3. Click on the data that you wish to download.

4. Mosaic will read in the data and then a window will flash onto the screen.

5. At this window you will be prompted to tell Mosaic where to put the file.

6. In the bottom part of the window in the "Name for binary file on local disk" tell Mosaic the exact path name including file name where you wish to put the file.

7. An example would be:

Suppose I wanted to get the file fish.gif. The path name I might want to put it in could be /usr/people/myname/fish.gif.

8. Remember to unclick "Load File to Local Disk" when your finished so that you don't try to download everything you click on.