NMFS What's New Page

The Marine Mammal Protection Act Bulletin

Recent Press Releases can be found in NMFS IN THE NEWS

Home Page for the ICE House (Information Center for the Environment), at UC, Davis

National Wetlands Inventory Home Page

National Performance Review Information System

Biodiversity Information Network

We now have a link to The Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network(CIESIN)

Web-World (check out NMFS World at location (-20, 80) and feel free to add interesting sites

U.S Government WWW Resources

World-Wide Web Servers: Summary

A link to SACLANTCEN: Ocean Sources which contains links to many Oceanographic Sources including institutions, data systems and other related resources

Here is a huge resource on Oceanography: World Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography

Marine and Aquatic Sciences Serials Lists

A connection to the Aquaculture Network Information Center(AquaNIC) is now available

Here is a useful collection of information on The Internetwhich will be useful to anyone wanting to gain more expertise on the Internet

The Office of Protected Resources brochure is now available online with information on endangered and protected species.

NCSA's What's New With Mosaic Page

Email connection home-page

Email to Lance Smith

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