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Sites which contain the word style

Advice on Academic Writing
Basic Prose Style and Mechanics
The Curmudgeon's Stylebook: Contents and Index
Deciphering Old Handwriting
Discover Magazine
e. e. cummings
Erik's Quick Style Sheet: Better Writing in Only Twenty Minutes a Day!
Ernest M. Hemingway's Home Page
FAQ Finder
Gabríel José García Márquez-Macondo
Grammar and Style Notes
The Great Thompson Hunt
High School English Resource Page
Indispensable Writing Resources
The Libyrinth
Mysterious Places
NASA's Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors
On-line Highbeam
Project Bartleby
Roane State Community College On-line Writing Lab
Stephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies
Thomas Carlyle
Tree Fiction on the World Wide Web
Ulysses for Dummies
Wired Style
The World of London Theatre: 1660-1800