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English and Literature

Charles Dickens
Children's Literature Web Guide
Chinua Achebe: An Overview
Christina Rossetti
Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)
Cinema Sites
Classroom Connect
Collected Works of Shakespeare/The Works of the Bard
A Collector's Guide to Regency Romances
Common Errors in English
Complete Collection of Poems by Rudyard Kipling
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
The Cool Word of the Day Page
Crack Fiction
Crayon CReAte Your Own Newspaper
Creative Nexus' Literature Site
The Curmudgeon's Stylebook: Contents and Index
CyberSaunter Henry David Thoreau
CyberSchool Magazine
D. H. Lawrence
Dante Alighieri on the Web
David Mamet
Dead Poets Society
Deborah Adams
Deciphering Old Handwriting
The Diary Project: Kids' Diary Entries from Around the World
Dibaajimowinan idash Aadizookaanag (Traditional and True Native American Stories)
The Dickens Page
Dictionary of Literary Terms
Digital Education Network Home Page
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
Documenting the American South
Doris Lessing: A Retrospective
Dylan Thomas
e. e. cummings
Eclectic Writer, The
More English and Literature sites.