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Grammar and Style

Advanced Grammar and Composition
Advice on Academic Writing
American Slanguages
Archeus: Worksearch Resources
Ask Miss Grammar
Barr's English Class
Basic Prose Style and Mechanics
Blue Web'N Applications: English References
Books in Chains
Cela: A+ Research and Writing for High School and College Students
Common Errors in English
The Cool Word of the Day Page
The Curmudgeon's Stylebook: Contents and Index
Digital Education Network Home Page
Eclectic Writer, The
English 102: Multicultural English Web Page
The English Teachers' Web Site
Erik's Quick Style Sheet: Better Writing in Only Twenty Minutes a Day!
The Fundamentals of a Research Paper
The Fundamentals of a Research Paper
Grammar and Style Notes
Grammar Lady, The
Grammar Safari
The HUMBUL Gateway
Indispensable Writing Resources
Kay E. Vandergrift's Special Interest Page
Literature Resources for the High School and College Student
Merriam-Webster OnLine
My Virtual Reference Desk
NASA's Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors
The National Writing Project
Natural Language Playground, The
On-line Highbeam
One Look Dictionaries: The Faster Finder
OnLine English Grammar
Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
More Grammar and Style sites.