There are two tours available on the site:

Official McSpotlight Guided Tour

Official McSpotlight SiteSeeing Tour

Your chance to sample the most important, scandalous, relevant, irreverent and irresistable bits of McSpotlight with no more effort than the occasional click of your mouse.

Your guides for the tour will be the 2 defendants in the infamous McLibel trial - Helen Steel and Dave Morris. They will be speaking to you with the help of RealAudio. If you haven't got the software yet, or you don't want to hear their dulcet tones, then you could just go for the silent version, but it's not nearly as much fun.

Navigating the Tour:
This tour has been updated to use the Frames feature of modern web browsers (eg Netscape 2.0 and Internet Explorer v3), and will currently only work for those using Frames capable browsers (an esitmated 75% of users). This was done so that the tour would always display the latest version of the pages being visited (the old method used copies of the pages as they were when the tour was first created).

Start the tour:

Guided Tour of McDonald's Website

Using Frames, this tour allows you to access McDonald's website live on one side of your screen while simultaneously displaying McSpotlight's detailed criticisms and comments on the other - a groundbreaking new technique that has been gathering attention and imitators all over the Internet.

McDonald's are experts at producing sophisticated propaganda designed solely to persuade you to buy more of their products. Profit is the only driving force behind the corporation - everything they say and do (be it giving free burgers to schools or sponsoring football matches) is geared towards this one aim. This is the only way big business works.

Their new web site is a supreme example of the power of manipulative advertising techniques. However well-informed and open-minded we are, it is all too easy to be seduced by the colourful graphics, cheerful characters and carefully constructed logic that make up McDonald's safe and happy world.

The aim of this Guided Tour is to deconstruct McDonald's glossy and expensive image. By showing the image and the reality together, visitors can see exactly where, how and why McDonald's are deliberately misleading the public for their own gain.

Navigating the Tour:
McDonald's site will come up live in the right hand side of your screen. On the left will be McSpotlight's commentary. All you need to do is scroll down the commentary and click on the 'Next Stop' links to go the next part of the tour.

Links within the commentary text lead to more in-depth pages on McSpotlight, or to the original sources of the information quoted. To get back onto the tour after following one of these, just click on the 'Next Stop' link.

(Handy hint: it all become a lot clearer when you can see the page).

Please note:
The tour has been designed for use with Frames, and so is significantly better when viewed using a Frames-capable browser (eg Netscape 2.0 and Internet Explorer v3 - Netscape 2.0 can be obtained from the Nestcape site.)

Start the tour:


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McLibel Issues Company For Sale Media
Campaigns Beyond Debate

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guided tours