The McDonald's Corporation

| Publications & Propaganda | 'Charitable' Activity|
|New Territory | Business Strategy, Censorship & Finance |

A Brief History of McDonald's

Who's who at McDonald's?

McDonald's Corporation
One McDonald's Plaza
Oak Brook, IL 60521
Telephone (708) 575-3000
  McDonald's Restaurants Ltd
11-59 High Road, East Finchley
London N2 8AW
Telephone +44 (0)171 700 7000
Fax. +44 (0)171 700 7050


McDonald's churns out an incredible volume and range of sophisticated propaganda. It often masquerades as factual information, or as merely informing the public of 'the McDonald's experience'. The company carefully targets sections of the population (customers, the media, health professionals etc).

Every item is very carefully written, often in order to give false impressions, often omitting crucial facts, and often in an extremely ambiguous way. However, it is possible to read between the lines or to just marvel at the idiocy of what is being said, and at the dependance of the company on its carefully manufactured image.


  WARNING - the information in the following pages has been produced to persuade you to buy more of McDonald's products. Keep your eyes and ears open for propaganda when you see this symbol.

WARNING - the information in the following ouside link(s) has been produced to persuade you to buy more of McDonald's products.

Internet Presence





    "They hope to justify their existence, to counter criticism, to ingratiate themselves with local communities and to target sections of the population who they want to buy their products. And what better way to do this than to be seen to be 'helping' the community, doing 'charitable' good works... "





Censorship Strategy

    A Brief History of McDonald's Censorship Strategy
    "When someone like Robert Maxwell or McDonald's take regular advantage of the archaic and oppressive libel laws they hope to be able to create a climate of intimidation..."

    for more press cutting on this subject.


Debating RoomGot something to say about the burger giants?
The McDonald's section of the Debating Room is for you.


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