- McJobs and Workers -

Piss and Moan

Posted by: Cara Russell ( USA ) on December 12, 1997 at 00:02:23:

In Reply to: Jobs posted by CITIZEN GERARD on December 08, 1997 at 21:52:23:

: Does any one feel really content with their jobs at present?


: Does anyone think, yeah, I've served a hamburger or stacked a shelf full of merchandise the world will be such a better place and everyone will benefit.

No, I just want money. I don't really care about improving the world at this point in my life.

: Does anyone feel happy about being treated like shit by their boss or customers? (This is apart from the likes of Cara who think that their subordinant station in life is excellent and feel confident in the knowledge that they are serving their country. Apple pie and world series)

There are a lot more of us than you think (or would like to believe). It is unfortunate that you can't just suck it up and learn to live with it like the rest of us.

I have found my nemisis. He will never leave me alone, will ya, Big Guy?

: If you do let me into the secret it isnt esay to be a constant voice of dissent.

No, the secret is something that you should discover on your own. We can't spoon feed everything to you. Come on, it'll be good for you.


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