- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Is everyone of equal virtue? Is everyone of equal worth?

Posted by: anon on September 28, 1996 at 23:33:34:

In Reply to: if capitalism is the answer, why all the problems? posted by Sally Conner on June 05, 1996 at 17:56:37:

> : Get a clue, guys. Capitalism is not the problem, it's the answer.

> Yep, and it's working great so far isn't it!! ;-)

Outside of Hong Kong and possibly a few other locales, where has it
been given a chance--America couldn't possibly be considered a capitalist
country with social security, medicare, medicaid, socialized education,
subsidized agriculture, excessive regulations, excessive taxes, etc.

> zero unemployment,
> no need for welfare handouts,

True, there is no need for welfare handouts. Does everyone deserve a job?
Of course not. If you fail to develop your skills so that you are sufficiently
specialized to be offered employment, that is your fault. If it is hard to find
a job as an unskilled laborer, perhaps one should have worked harder in school.

> great education systems,
Well, it is a socialist one.
> medical attention available to all,
Since when is healthcare a right? Did presciption drugs spring from the ground.
No, pharmacutical companies spend billions to develop them. Did hospitals drop
out of the sky? No, investors built them. Do doctors deserve the same compensation
as a factory worker? Of course not, they deserve more, because their skills are that
much more valuable.

> healthy populations,
A lot more healthy in capitalist countries than socialist ones, by the way.

> everyone getting enough to eat,
> a home for everyone that wants one,
Who is obligated to give another those things? No one.

> a clean and unpolluted enviroment,
Have you been to China or Eastern Europe lately?

> everyone happy and content.
> GET REAL! where do you live, disneyland?
True. Actually, Disneyland (a capitalist venture) is about the only place
where one could find such joy.

> Capitalism doesn't work, it creates a greater
> gulf between the 'haves' and the 'have nots'.
Is everyone of equal virtue? Is everyone of equal worth? I don't think so.
> Capitalism has no interest in protecting the
> rights of the individual,
Only capitalism recognizes the right to property--the most fundamental right of
all. The right to possess your name, your thoughts, and whatever you might gain
from what the use of your ideas.

> or the enviroment,
> or the welfare of animals. Capitalism is
> interested only in money.

> The only people that believe that capitalism works
> are the ignorant or those that benefit from it personally.
> Which are you?
You have access to a computer, which means you benefit from it
personally. Actually, the lowest people in the social strata
have the most to benefit from capitalism. In America, blue collar
workers earn an obscene amount of money, compared to what others
earn in non-capitalist society.

If you want socialism, I hope you will travel to a socialist country
and live there, rather than trying to violate the property rights of
others where you presently live.

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