- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Creativity, not Capitalism

Posted by: Claire ( USA ) on June 10, 1997 at 10:02:38:

After spending 18 months in post communist Russia, I understand the value of quick, consumer oriented service found in America. I have also been alerted to the excesses of consumerism, and now choose to live a CREATIVE lifestyle, where I start projects which fulfill me, give me a sense a pride and identity, and provide the type of stimulation humans need. Yet capitalism in the US these days is based on immediate gratification, disposal, and mindless entertainment. A good read is Tibor Scitovsky's The Joyless Economy, which argues that capitalism only provides comfort, while humans instead need stimulation to prevent boredom and depression. Basically, apply this argument to the scenario where yeah, I can buy a sterile Twinkie at a QuickieMart to keep me from being hungry, but I'm really hungry for things which capitalism doesn't want to provide. This is the meaningfulness which can only come from other humans or awareness.

Please respond to my posting and ideas...I will check back!!

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