- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Capitalism and the Self

Posted by: Vincent Keating ( Canada ) on June 11, 1997 at 20:34:46:

In Reply to: Creativity, not Capitalism posted by Claire on June 10, 1997 at 10:02:38:

In responce to the previous article, I believe that Capitalism is a system in desperate need of change. I wanted to offer a suggestion to read Marx's Economic Manuscripts. Although many of his theories have been rejected by postmodern thought, one can find much experience in his writings. The one part I'm thinking of is where he states that labour in the Capitalist system alienates one from one's self being. In relation to McDonald's, he is basically saying that the rapid making of hamburger's does not fulfill one's basic creative need. I think that one of the major problems in Capitalism is that it doesn't serve to directly allow one to fulfill oneself through labour.

Another book that I would suggest is Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus. It outlines what happens when one is only focused on material things. Although set in a religious context, I think that the message can be reinterpreted in today's world.

If anyone has any other suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

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