- Capitalism and Alternatives -

some very thoughtful questions

Posted by: Robert M. Mitrocsak ( Korea ) on December 23, 1997 at 10:19:00:

In Reply to: Thanks for being nicer than I was! posted by The Everett Citizen on December 22, 1997 at 19:39:43:

Michael, my dear chap,

Thank you very much indeed for your kind response. In actual fact, I am as big a sinner as has ever walked this earth. Anything good in me comes from the Lord. May He indeed richly Bless you today.

You ask some very thoughtful questions. Firstly, my previous comment on the communist concern about material fairness (from "only God can solve the problems of this world"):

: On the communist side we have those (pardon my generalising here) who vilify some for "having more than others". Whilst they would claim to not be concerned about wealth themselves, ironically it seems as though these folks are indeed more concerned about material wealth than their capitalistic counterparts. Otherwise, there would never be any angst about "haves and have-nots". (God calls this sin - covetousness).

As Marx wrote, the idea of class struggle is essential for communism. What is the natural human (sinful) inclination here within this "struggle"? How does it openly manifest itself? I would submit that it manifests itself in the form of class warfare, which is indeed vilification of those who have more by those who have less.

I've watched all sorts of political action "rights" groups for years now use class warfare, and more particularly, class-hatred as their modus operendi. And you know something? As far as their political agenda is concerned this technique works. People will march, people will angrily shout, people will riot, in short, it brings out the worst in human beings. You don't have to look very far to see this type of behaviour either. Just browze through the chat page and witness the hate and discontent being fomented because of rather trite material wealth issues. Isn't it silly? In practical terms, this is what God calls coveteousness. "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." Exodus 20:17.

I don't view that there is much difference between communism and capitalism. Only technique is different. Communism is dialectict materialism, and captialism is free-market materialism. Communism demands that there must be a conflict of the opposites (dialectic) as well as nothing beyond three dimensional space and one dimension of time with mere molecules bumping into each other (materialism). The evil thing here is that both (as well as the other man-made "isms") focus only on the material, that is, simply what man can make or what man can do.

In all cases, if man creates something and worships it, then it is idolotry. "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a JEALOUS Godà" Exodus 20:4.

Idolotry can come in many forms. It was interesting to note that in communist states, statues (idols) of "great leaders" are reverently attended, even embalmed bodies are put on display and people queue-up for humanly worship. They are indeed a religious lot, aren't they? In the capitalistic world, people flock to entertainers as if they were deity. They place their posters on the walls everywhere and indeed worship them. I've heard interviews from excited fans actually saying that they worship these people. Are these cases any different than the golden calf that Israel built when their faith in Almighty God waned?

Now your question: is it better to know and spout the words, or better to act in accordance with them?

Salvation does not depend on how much you know. I'd venture a guess that there are some that know their Bible inside-out but are not saved. Also, a retarded person with a belief in Christ has far more wisdom than a university PHD who does not know Christ.

Salvation does not depend on what you say. I'd venture a guess that there are people who can say all the right things, but deep in their hearts they are not saved.

Salvation does not depend upon any of our actions. I'd venture a guess that there are people who are "good" in their actions and public image but are not saved. Salvation is a Gift from God. We do not deserve it and we cannot earn it.

Salvation is dependant only upon belief in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:8.

Now, do we not go and help the poor and downtrodden? Of course not, we are mandated by Christ to help these unfortunate people. The bigger issue here though is, WHY do we go and help these folks? Is it to make things fair? No. I'm glad things aren't fair. If things were fair, then I'd deserve to be plunged twenty three miles down into Hell for eternal damnation because of the sins that I've commited in my life time. Jesus has intervened on my behalf to prevent this awful outcome, Praise God! The reason that we go and help the poor is that we show our love for Jesus when we do so.

Several characteristics apply then, in Christian giving. 1) It is done in the Name of Jesus, so that thanks is given to the proper Source of that help, 2) It is done as anonymously as possible, so that we build up our treasure in Heaven and not on earth, 3) It is done personally from the heart, not as a matter of legal obligation, 4) It is done in a cheerful manner, because when you feed these people you are praising Jesus and He is deserving of our praise.

I would argue that communism, socialism, capitalism, et.al., have so many human strings attached that they take the reason of WHY we help the poor away from God, and direct its focus back on man. That, in short, then becomes idolotrous.

Michael, may I humbly pray for your? Oh Lord and Heavenly Father, I know that you love Michael dearly. I beseech thee Lord to take him into your Heavenly Kingdom so that he will know the joy of your Blessed Son, Jesus Christ. In your Holy Name I pray this. Amen.

Michael, dear friend, have a Blessed day. Is Everett...Washington State, USA? If so, it is a gorgeous place. Cheers.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Robert M. Mitrocsak

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