- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Freedom in Christ Jesus

Posted by: Robert M. Mitrocsak ( Korea ) on December 31, 1997 at 15:56:21:

In Reply to: The modern trinity: God, Rambo and McDonalds posted by Simon Kongshoj on December 27, 1997 at 11:51:21:

Simon, my dear chap,

Thank you for your response. May our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ richly and abundantly Bless you today.

You illustrate so well the continuing litany of contradictions. Firstly, there was the communist chap who insisted that the Bible was pro-communist. Then, there was the communist chap who insisted that the Bible was inherently anti-communist. Now you, apparently a communist chap, insist that the Bible is neither anti-communist nor anti-capitalist. But then, you surely don't forget to caveat that stance with the contradictory "built-in defence for the modern capitalist system" argument. Add to that, the capitalist who demanded that the Pilgrims were communists, plus objectivist Ayn Rand, who agrees with you in her anti-Biblical rantings, and we have a real consistent group here, don't we.

These examples only serve to show that the Bible is indeed Eternal Truth. Man can't even be consistent (or honest) with himself, even when he holds similar ideologies. (Apart from God he really does have a difficult time getting his act together, doesn't he?)

Now, does God take away independent thought? I would argue that God gives you greater independence in your thought. Did any of you capitalists, communists, objectivists, et. al. uncover the the disinformation levied against the Pilgrims earlier up the chat page? (No, you blindly agreed) Do any of you take really independent stances on hard issues? (No, you simply parrot the Party line "comrade". Nothing new there.) At least Bible believers are sceptical at man's ways and in a very healthy manner, I might add. Those poor souls who place their trust in man's "isms" (communism, capitalism, et. al.) are sitting ducks for any con-artist who comes along with the latest gimmick and promises him "utopia". How na∩ve can they be?

I think Jesus said it best, "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." (Matthew 7:15)

Now, does the Bible teach us to be religious? My apologies for repeating myself here, however apparently there are new audiences all the time.

Contrary to popular belief, Jesus did NOT teach us to be religious, instead He taught us to be Godly in His ways. In fact, the harshest criticism that He ever gave was TOWARDS the religious of His day. Matthew 23 is an example of this type of chastisement.

A modern day example of this dichotomy may be found in Bosnia. There a many religious people there (Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim). But how many truly Godly people live there?

Now, how do we recognise Godly worship as opposed to religiousness? Several characteristics of Christian worship are quite evident. 1) They are praiseful in their worship of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2) They have as their central teaching, salvation in the shed blood of Jesus on Calvary. 3) They preach an uncompromised Gospel, and if a human error is made they admit it and repent. 4) They love Jesus Christ first.

Since salvation is an individual Gift from God no physical earthly church or "ism" is sufficient to supply this. Salvation must come only from God's Grace. How do we receive God's Grace? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8).

Your example of the Fuedal State-Church is a good example of religiousness instead of Godliness. Clearly when man's ego overtakes God's Word, then abuses are sure to set in. I would argue that ALL churches are in need of CONTINUAL cleansing or they risk becoming one of man's "isms". That cleansing cannot come from the (flawed) mind of man but only from the Grace of God.

Interesting to note, America was first inhabited by settlers who escaped the European State-Churches and their abusive authority. These groups were literally burned at the stake for their free preaching of the Gospel. The groups that arrived were Hugenots driven out of France, Pilgrims driven out of England, Reformers driven out of Holland, Mennonites and Amish driven out of Germany, Ana-Baptists and Calvinists driven out of all parts of Europe, and so on. These congregational churches were devoted to the free preaching of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and that in fact instilled true genius into America. (Independent thought, not state-run propoganda, wouldn't you agree?)

As a contrast to the freedom found in the Gospel, the "isms" (such as communism, capitalism, et. al.) are merely man-made enslavement religion. It is interesting to note that in communist states, statues (idols) of "great leaders" are reverently attended, even embalmed bodies are put on display and people queue-up to pay their homage. THEY are indeed a religious lot, aren't they? In the capitalistic world, people flock to entertainers as if they were deity. They place their posters on the walls everywhere and indeed worship them. I've heard interviews from excited fans actually saying that they worship these people. Are these cases any different than the golden calf that Israel built when their faith in Almighty God waned? (These are enslavement ideologies, aren't they?)

Does the Ten Commandments do our thinking for us? I'm glad that God has given us His Word, not to take away our thought or freedom, but to PROTECT us from our innate human evil. I'm glad He tells us not to lie, steal, murder, etc. because in the human world (especially in the world of man-made ideologies) these values are not apparent and cannot be taken for granted. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Without the Ten Commandments, man would not know right from wrong". Indeed man isn't smart enough to figure it out on his own. Thank God we do have the Bible because it offers righteous freedom (Colossions 1:6-23).

Are Bible believers merely doped? I find this a most curious assertion. It is especially curious coming from a chap who, as his intellectual guidings and underpinnings, offers a statement by some rock and roll star who promotes widespread condescension and the cursing of his fellow man. (That's real intellectual freedom, isn't it?)

Now, if you think you are smart enough to go it alone without God, BE WARNED, you might just get what you ask for. Simon, PLEASE, you really don't want that.

May I humbly pray for you? Oh Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity to converse with this dear one. May You open his eyes to Your Holy Word and strengthen him in his resolve to truly act independently from his worldly trappings. Show him freedom in Your most Blessed Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Simon, dear friend, have a Blessed day and seek freedom in Jesus. Cheers.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Robert M. Mitrocsak

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