- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Private Property ?

Posted by: Gerard, a citizen also ( Multi-tendency lunatics, N.Ireland ) on December 09, 1997 at 12:25:03:

I'd just like my comrades to make their views clear on private property , if they thik its a negative force and how it could be dealt with.

I dont think this issue could be tackled by direct government intervention (if you havent guessed I think it is a negative issue that if not removed entirely must be reduced)but by a gradual program inacted by a partnership between people and government.

For instance if you own your car you will have to pay for repairs and constant maintance if you support public transport these concerns wont bother you and your support would allow it to develop.

If this perception could be expanded to all things property would have to change. The state couldnt step in though, people will have to change also (following the initial armed, insurrection replacement of state with socialist administrator, replacement of democracy with the no party system [as opposed to one party sys.]) and this is up to them not prolekults etc.

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