- Capitalism and Alternatives -


Posted by: Gerard ( Socialists with more sense than you, N.Ireland ) on December 16, 1997 at 17:28:01:

In Reply to: No human egos would get involved, oh no. posted by Dan on December 11, 1997 at 23:59:01:

: Oh yes, there would be no politics comming from this. No human ego's would get involved, oh no.
O.K. what the fuck is politics if it isnt just a reflection of class war. That is one party works in the economic interests of the people where another works in the interests of big business. Or at least thats the way its susposed to be there is so many roots like you voting for big business and against your own interests that the peoples parties have to shift ground to get elected and then there is no point in voting.

: Forgive the type-o, but you still went on to make my point, people tend to care about what is theirs, when you make things communal, people stop caring but I digress into a debate over the nature of humanity
I'm not even gonna debate this with you because your ideas about freedom are amazingly self centred and shallow. Remmber if you constantly work on the basis that the you owe the community nothing then the community can tell you to get fucked when come looking for assistance too.

: What can I say to this, yes Cuba is real, so was the USSR, oh but that was different wasnt it? I would suggest that there are more reasons than "yankee imperialism" for starving people in Cuba, or for wave after wave of refugee boats hitting Miami shores. But Im sure you have answers for these events. Yankee propaganda, maybe? or maybe the cry of the defeated.
O.K. I've this argument with the bloody commies aswell.
1 Cuba works on the basis of The Bugetry Finance System, that is the resources of all industries and commercial businesses are shared all aspects of the economy work together to the benefit of the people. The USSR worked on the basis of State Capitalism, that is state maintained industries worked in artifical markets generating profits that where not distributed amongst the people but the leaders.
2 The vast majority of the people support the government and do not leave on rafts, if a few wankers left the U.S. on boats for Europe would you declare a mass exodus because of a tyrannical government.
3 The U.S. government doesnt give a shit about democracy or liberty and freedom what they care about is profits for their corporate masters. Profits created by investing in undemocratic regimes where the people get paid shit all (cutting business expenses) and cant argue (dont even try to say this is what happens in Cuba cause the people are paid a living wage, yes not just a minimum, and there is a popular union movement also as a means of protest). If you need proof of this just look at how friendly your 'defender of democracy' regime has got with China, it doesnt matter if the people can vote they're free if they can but McDonalds.

I'm not even gonna argue with you anymore because you are so brainwashed you cant even imagine an alternative. I want a concrete plan and system of difference also but at least I dont leap to this systems defense.

Tell me why I should support this system and dont tell me about liberty or justice the american way is nothing to do with these its all about kissing the corporate fat cats asses.

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