Day 306 - 26 Nov 96 - Page 03

     1        are going to distribute the time between now and twelve
     2        o'clock, because you are going back over generalities which
     3        you have addressed me on already.  She has not actually
     4        addressed me on 16th October 1989 yet, which might be
     5        thought to be a day of potential importance, so far as her
     6        and publication is concerned.  I have left it entirely to
     7        the two of you to share out the time.  But I am not going
     8        to be sympathetic to one of you taking a lot of time
     9        repeating general points and then the other standing up and
    10        saying "I must have time to address you on the matters
    11        I have to do".  I have left it entirely to the two of you
    12        to divide up your time.
    14   MS. STEEL:   We have not really had time to discuss what each of
    15        us has still got left to do and thereby work out exactly
    16        how we are going to spend the time.  But you have said
    17        previously that if we felt it necessary we could shorten
    18        one subject and lengthen another, so we were going to see
    19        if we needed it.  We were going to see about trying to
    20        shorten the counterclaim stuff to give us more time for
    21        publication.  Because we have not really done any
    22        preparation together and discussed it, you know, what each
    23        of us has to say, we are not really sure how long each of
    24        us is going to take.  Obviously, this is a particularly
    25        important part of the case.
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   I have made my point.  You owe it to
    28        yourselves not to repeat -- this is really directed at
    29        Mr. Morris -- general points which you have made several
    30        times already, when setting off to make specific points on
    31        something like Mr. Russell, because, sympathetic as I like
    32        to be to you getting your arguments in, I am afraid I lose
    33        it very quickly when there is a lot of repetition which is
    34        taking up time.  Carry on, whichever of you is going to
    35        start.
    37   MR. MORRIS:   Page 50, line 48 of day 263 he says he is certain
    38        they are my own words.  Then, by the end of his evidence,
    39        he did not know at all whose words they were, and I am
    40        coming to that.  He then said at the top of page 54:  "The
    41        meeting broke up at 10", so I was only there for an hour.
    42        Then he was asked by Mr. Rampton at line 45:  "What did you
    43        understand Mr. Morris to mean by the 'customary McDonald's
    44        fact sheet?'", and he says, "Well, I understood it to be
    45        this very thing here, which you have given me."  Of course,
    46        Mr. Rampton had given him the London Greenpeace fact sheet,
    47        hence prompting him to say it was that one.  Then later on
    48        he does not know.  So, again, that shows prompting by the
    49        Plaintiffs.  I am trying to shorten this because most of
    50        the good stuff happens at the end, as usual. 
    52        There are various other things about -- sorry, no. 
    53        Actually, one thought while I am on the subject, of course
    54        the mail-out, including the customary McDonald's fact sheet
    55        idea, of course the mail-out did not include the customary
    56        McDonald's fact sheet or any McDonald's leaflet about the
    57        issues complained of.  There was some general leaflet about
    58        the campaign.  So, in any event, it was not correct,
    59        whoever said it.

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