Day 306 - 26 Nov 96 - Page 02

     1                                 Tuesday, 26th November, 1996.
     3   MS. STEEL:   Sorry for the delay.
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
     7   MR. MORRIS:   Jack Russell, on the meeting of 26th April 1990,
     8        it is going to take a little bit of time to go through
     9        this.  Basically, the long and short of it is that he could
    10        not say anything connecting me to the fact sheet,
    11        distribution of the fact sheet, and the things that he had
    12        attributed to me he ended up saying that he did not know if
    13        it was me saying that or somebody else saying that offer,
    14        or an impression he got.
    16        I wanted to go through a few references in his
    17        transcripts.  Day 263.  I mean, there is a lot of stuff
    18        about how -- well, his memory was clearly a hundred percent
    19        reliant on his notes.  In fact, I think it was a report
    20        based upon his notes.  I am trying to sort of shorten this
    21        but I do not think I can.  I will have to go through the
    22        references I have identified.
    24        At the top of page 50, day 263, he thought he may have gone
    25        to another meeting but no one turned up.  So he only went
    26        to one meeting, but in fact none of the agents had
    27        remembered him from a meeting.  So his memory was clearly
    28        not very good of that whole time.  At the top of page 51 he
    29        explains how I had been described to him before he went to
    30        the meeting, so he was obviously looking out for me.  He
    31        could not remember if Paul Gravett was at the meeting or
    32        not (bottom of page 52).  He said I arrived at nine o'clock
    33        (that is page 53, line 18) at this meeting.  So, obviously,
    34        I would not have anything to do, if that be true, in
    35        bringing any material from the office or anything to that
    36        meeting.  Then he states something to the effect of -- hang
    37        on, this is actually "Examined by Mr. Rampton", yes.
    38        Mr. Rampton puts to him part of the report based on his
    39        notes, I think it is the report based on his notes, about
    40        me saying a whole great long spiel about going to Moscow
    41        and then the international mail-out and he says to him:
    42        "Are you quite certain in your own mind that it was
    43        Mr. Morris who said all those things?   Answer:  Yes, I
    44        am."
    46        This is a feature of this case, on this part of the issue,
    47        that the Plaintiffs are absolutely -- well, the Plaintiffs
    48        are doing everything they can to get the witnesses to be
    49        certain about things that they are clearly not certain
    50        about; for example, identifying the London Greenpeace fact 
    51        sheet and we say it is a feature of -- well, it is pretty 
    52        clear that none of their publication witnesses could really 
    53        distinguish between the different kinds of "What's wrong
    54        with McDonald's" leaflets, but that uniformly the
    55        Plaintiffs have tried to straitjacket their evidence into
    56        being certain about it, based upon inadequate notes and
    57        non-existent memory from six years ago.  Therefore, we say,
    58        any of their apparent evidence on -----
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Have you and Ms. Steel worked out how you

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