Day 306 - 26 Nov 96 - Page 04

     1        There is another feature which runs throughout these, I was
     2        going to say this.  At the bottom of page 56, line 54, he
     3        said how he attached the leaflet being connected to his
     4        written report and all the agents said the same thing and
     5        gave them to their managers for, obviously, Barlow Lyde &
     6        Gilbert's purposes.  So, this is not a case where
     7        documents, original documents have only been sighted by
     8        witnesses from a distance.  This is a case where all the
     9        originals collected by the Plaintiffs' witnesses have been
    10        handed over to the solicitors and, therefore, they cannot
    11        argue -- well, they have not argued anything; they cannot
    12        justify not having brought them to court and, as far as
    13        I can see, it only makes it more compelling that they
    14        should be here in court and without them there is no
    15        evidence, especially not the unsafe and unsatisfactory
    16        evidence of vague memories six years later.
    18        Then Mr. Rampton said it is not an original that he was
    19        showing him.  That is page 57, line 14.  Then, if you
    20        remember, Mr. Russell had a problem about -- well, first of
    21        all, he said that he had never worked for Kings before;
    22        that is on page 58.  You said to him:  "You started by
    23        saying you have not worked for Kings for five years and
    24        then, as I understood it, you did a couple of years ago and
    25        a couple of months ago.  Is there some problem about the
    26        matter?"  So, he clearly had a problem about saying one
    27        thing and knowing that it was not true and having to admit
    28        it was not true after further questioning.
    30        He said that there was no mention of McDonald's in his
    31        instructions (page 59, line 24).  However, the only
    32        leaflets he claimed to have collected at that meeting
    33        related to McDonald's, and it seems a bit unlikely he said
    34        he picked up what was on the table and all the other
    35        evidence in the case, we would say, it is impossible that
    36        there were only leaflets which mentioned McDonald's on the
    37        table, especially of a public meeting.  Therefore, I do not
    38        believe him when he says that.  But, I mean, obviously it
    39        was six years later he is giving evidence.  It was
    40        Mr. Bishop that had seen him at another meeting.  That was
    41        referred to on page 60.
    43        Then he said that his notes were not contemporaneous.  That
    44        is the bottom of page 61.  In fact, the solicitors had
    45        written they were contemporaneous when they wrote his
    46        statement for him but he crossed that bit out because he
    47        says, at the top of page 62:  "... I did not make
    48        contemporaneous notes of the events."  (Pause).
    50        I mean, it is our belief that, in fact, he did make notes 
    51        during the meeting, that was the evidence of Ms. Laporte, 
    52        and that the contemporaneous notes which had been referred 
    53        to by the solicitors when they drafted his statement have
    54        been conveniently lost because they would not have tallied
    55        or they would not have given the kind of evidence that the
    56        Plaintiffs wanted.
    58   MR. RAMPTON:   My Lord, may I know whether that is an allegation
    59        against Mrs. Brinley-Codd and her firm?

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