Day 247 - 10 May 96 - Page 04

     1        and, as I say, we believe we are right and when it came to
     2        our view, your Lordship might have said we are wrong.  But
     3        we have taken the view that it does not matter very much in
     4        this case.  There are safeguards for the misuse of
     5        documents disclosed on discovery and we are, for this
     6        particular purpose, content with those safeguards.
     8        Can I just ask your Lordship then to write in page 2 --
     9        I am not going to make copies of this if your Lordship
    10        would forgive me?
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Subject to anything Ms. Steel or Mr. Morris
    13        say, I do not think there is any need.  If we can know who
    14        it was to and who it was from.
    16   MR. RAMPTON:  In the left-hand hand column it is to Edi,
    17        E-D-D-I-E, and is pronounced Eddie not Edi; it is short for
    18        Edwina, Bensilum, B-E-N-S-I-L-U-M, Martin Campiche,
    19        C-A-M-P-I-C-H-E, and Amanda Stone as in "rock".  In the
    20        right-hand column it comes from James Maxwell.
    22   MS. STEEL:   I think there are some other ones as well.
    24   MR. RAMPTON:  I think I have done all the other ones.  Yes.
    26   MS. STEEL:   While Mr. Rampton has the documents there, could he
    27        confirm whether or not the document that starts on page 21
    28        is actually exactly the same thing, or part of exactly the
    29        same thing, as the document on page 18, and whether it is
    30        actually notes of the meeting?
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    34   MR. RAMPTON:  I start on 11th April, my Lord, do I not?
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  You start on 11th April and we have 2
    37        sheets for that now:  The one which just had the heading
    38        and now the one which has "present" and "distribution".
    40   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes.  Then I have 19,"media briefing materials".
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Then we have got a very informative page 20.
    44   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes.  That, my Lord is in there for a reason.
    46   MR. JUSTICE BELL: I assume that is just to show there was a
    47        sheet.
    49   MR. RAMPTON:  It is the third sheet of the typewritten note.
    50        Then there is what is a separate document, which is all in 
    51        handwriting and which starts on page 21 and goes on to page 
    52        22, and it is all under the heading "LGP", 11th April 
    53        1994.  I take it to be the notes of one of those who
    54        attended that meeting made at the time.
    56        There is no dispute that that handwriting is Eddie
    57        Bensilum's but where that takes one, I do not know since
    58        she is not going to be here unless, of course ----
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is Eddie Bensilum's handwriting; is it?

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