Day 183 - 03 Nov 95 - Page 05

     1        the fear I had that something like this would happen that I
     2        am here at all.
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Sit down for a moment, Mrs. Baker.
     6   MS. STEEL:   I have only asked the witness whether she was 17
     7        the whole of the time she was there -----
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is fair enough.  What do you want to go
    10        on to now?
    12   MS. STEEL:   I want to ask her about the pay slips and the
    13        letters between herself and McDonald's that were disclosed
    14        at the time.  This was quite a few years ago.
    16   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Why do you need to ask about those?  Have you
    17        got any witnesses that are in this contest with this?
    19   MR. RAMPTON:  No, the Defendants know that I have not.  These
    20        are, as they are disclosed, declared to be what they are.
    21        I have not challenged their authenticity.  There is no
    22        dispute that this is what they are.
    24   MS. STEEL:   I do not actually have many questions but I just
    25        wanted to -----
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I can see, for instance, I want to know what
    28        a double shift means; I want to know what Mrs. Baker means
    29        by a bonus.
    31   THE WITNESS:  I can answer that.
    33   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, you do not have to; please sit down.  You
    34        are not involved in this.
    35        A.  Sorry.
    37   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  But what else is there for you to go on to?
    39   MS. STEEL:   The only questions I have were about the hours that
    40        she normally worked.  There was just something about the
    41        double shifts, about when that was.
    43   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have said that is something I would like to
    44        know, what double shift means.
    46   MS. STEEL:  The only other possible thing I was going to ask,
    47        although I do not know that it is particularly necessary,
    48        was about what happened surrounding the dismissal, which
    49        was only ------
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Quite frankly, if were you, I would keep away 
    52        from that, not because you have got anything to lose by 
    53        going into it, but because you have a very simple,
    54        straightforward account in Mrs. Baker's statement.
    56   MS. STEEL:  I only mean in terms of asking her whether or not
    57        she got any warning or anything like that.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, because clearly she did not.

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