Day 183 - 03 Nov 95 - Page 04

     1        double shifts so that I could be with my boyfriend.
     2        I worked after 10.00 p.m. on many occasions.  I was paid a
     3        bonus for working more hours than I should have after
     4        10.00 p.m. I was only 17 years of age at this time.  I knew
     5        that I was not supposed to but I needed the money.  By
     6        working a double shift I was able to see my boyfriend as
     7        they always arranged to have us in at different times.  We
     8        never had the same days off.
    10        Every night, the store would have to be cleaned before any
    11        member of staff could leave to go home.  We would commence
    12        cleaning the restaurant after close at 10.00 p.m. every
    13        evening.  Before we could leave for the night we would have
    14        to clean the floors, walls and equipment.  We would then
    15        have to put away all the tools and foodstuffs.  This duty
    16        could take several hours to complete.  I did on several
    17        occasions work until 2.00 a.m. at that time".  Is that your
    18        signature there at the bottom?
    19        A.  Yes, it is.
    21   Q.   Do you confirm that is correct?
    22        A.  Yes, I do.
    24   Q.   It is dated 23rd July 1993.  If I could ask you to get
    25        documents from the Defendants' supplementary list of
    26        documents?  It is in a blue binder in the middle shelf,
    27        supplementary list.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Which one?
    31   MS. STEEL:   It is the first supplementary list, I think.
    32        I think it is probably further to the left, but I am not
    33        sure.
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You mean the first volume?
    37   MS. STEEL:   The first supplementary volume.  It was the first
    38        supplementary list that we did.
    39        A.  B6?
    41   Q.   I do not know.  It should be at document No. 19 in there.
    42        Were you 17 when you started working at McDonald's?
    43        A.  Yes, I was, yes.
    45   Q.   You were 17 for the whole of the time that you were working
    46        there; is that correct?
    47        A.  Yes.
    49   Q.   Were you taken on as a full-time or a part-time employee?
    50        A.  Full-time. 
    52   MR. RAMPTON:  I do wonder where we are going.  I have no notice 
    53        of any additional questions.  I, in fact, do not challenge
    54        anything Mrs. Baker says in her statement and I really do
    55        wonder where we are going.  The reason I am here in court
    56        was not in order to challenge Mrs. Baker's statement, and
    57        if I thought I could be safe in the knowledge that we would
    58        not be going, as it were, further afield than we have had
    59        notice, then I would not have been here at all.  I would
    60        have told your Lordship that yesterday.  It was because of

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