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Technical Support Request

iPhone, Mac, and Safari Developer Program Members

Code level support from Developer Technical Support (DTS) engineers is delivered via email in English and Japanese. You will receive an acknowledgment by the next business day that will include your Follow-Up ID and any further instructions. DTS engineers typically provide an initial response to your specific support request within three (3) business days. To help accelerate a response to your question, please follow the email guidelines below.

Note: DTS only provides code level technical support for publicly released versions of Mac OS X and iPhone OS.

  • Ensure your email subject line is as descriptive as possible (not just ‚Äòtechnical question‚Äô).
  • Submit only one support issue (a single, discrete problem) per request
  • In your email, include:
    • Your name, e-mail address, phone number, company name, and Follow-Up ID (if¬†referring to an open issue).
    • A full description of the problem/question, including actions you‚Äôve already taken to solve and any extra conditions to consider (e.g. only fails on specific hardware, only interested in market, etc.)
    • An attachment with a screenshot showing any error message encountered.
    • An attachment with a sample project or source code demonstrating the problem if appropriate.
    • For crashes*/bugs, please include full configuration information from the Apple System Profiler to retrieve and store crash information in a text file with your¬†e-mail.

Submit your Request

ADC Technical Support

Apple Developer Connection (ADC) Members may use the Technical Support Incidents that we bundled in your annual Premier or Select Membership, or that have been purchased separately.