Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Application Kit Framework Reference


The Application Kit is a framework containing all the objects you need to implement your graphical, event-driven user interface: windows, panels, buttons, menus, scrollers, and text fields. The Application Kit handles all the details for you as it efficiently draws on the screen, communicates with hardware devices and screen buffers, clears areas of the screen before drawing, and clips views. The number of classes in the Application Kit may seem daunting at first. However, most Application Kit classes are support classes that you use indirectly. You also have the choice at which level you use the Application Kit:

  • Use Interface Builder to create connections from user interface objects to your application objects. In this case, all you need to do is implement your application classes‚Äîimplement those action and delegate methods. For example, implement the method that is invoked when the user selects a menu item.

  • Control the user interface programmatically, which requires more familiarity with Application Kit classes and protocols. For example, allowing the user to drag an icon from one window to another requires some programming and familiarity with the NSDragging... protocols.

  • Implement your own objects by subclassing NSView or other classes. When subclassing NSView you write your own drawing methods using graphics functions. Subclassing requires a deeper understanding of how the Application Kit works.

To learn more about the Application Kit, review the NSApplication, NSWindow, and NSView class specifications, paying close attention to delegate methods. For a deeper understanding of how the Application Kit works, see the specifications for NSResponder and NSRunLoop (NSRunLoop is in the Foundation framework).


Header file directories
Companion guides

    Class References
  1. CIColor Additions
  2. CIImage Additions
  3. NSActionCell
  4. NSAffineTransform Additions
  5. NSAlert
  6. NSAnimation
  7. NSAnimationContext
  8. NSAppleScript Additions
  9. NSApplication
  10. NSArrayController
  11. NSATSTypesetter
  12. NSAttributedString Application Kit Additions
  13. NSBezierPath
  14. NSBitmapImageRep
  15. NSBox
  16. NSBrowser
  17. NSBrowserCell
  18. NSBundle Additions
  19. NSButton
  20. NSButtonCell
  21. NSCachedImageRep
  22. NSCell
  23. NSCIImageRep
  24. NSClipView
  25. NSCoder Application Kit Additions
  26. NSCollectionView
  27. NSCollectionViewItem
  28. NSColor
  29. NSColorList
  30. NSColorPanel
  31. NSColorPicker
  32. NSColorSpace
  33. NSColorWell
  34. NSComboBox
  35. NSComboBoxCell
  36. NSControl
  37. NSController
  38. NSCursor
  39. NSCustomImageRep
  40. NSDatePicker
  41. NSDatePickerCell
  42. NSDictionaryController
  43. NSDockTile
  44. NSDocument
  45. NSDocumentController
  46. NSDrawer
  47. NSEPSImageRep
  48. NSEvent
  49. NSFileWrapper
  50. NSFont
  51. NSFontDescriptor
  52. NSFontManager
  53. NSFontPanel
  54. NSForm
  55. NSFormCell
  56. NSGlyphGenerator
  57. NSGlyphInfo
  58. NSGradient
  59. NSGraphicsContext
  60. NSHelpManager
  61. NSImage
  62. NSImageCell
  63. NSImageRep
  64. NSImageView
  65. NSLayoutManager
  66. NSLevelIndicator
  67. NSLevelIndicatorCell
  68. NSMatrix
  69. NSMenu
  70. NSMenuItem
  71. NSMenuItemCell
  72. NSMenuView
  73. NSMutableAttributedString Additions
  74. NSMutableParagraphStyle
  75. NSNib
  76. NSNibConnector
  77. NSNibControlConnector
  78. NSNibOutletConnector
  79. NSObjectController
  80. NSOpenGLContext
  81. NSOpenGLLayer
  82. NSOpenGLPixelBuffer
  83. NSOpenGLPixelFormat
  84. NSOpenGLView
  85. NSOpenPanel
  86. NSOutlineView
  87. NSPageLayout
  88. NSPanel
  89. NSParagraphStyle
  90. NSPasteboard
  91. NSPasteboardItem
  92. NSPathCell
  93. NSPathComponentCell
  94. NSPathControl
  95. NSPDFImageRep
  96. NSPersistentDocument
  97. NSPICTImageRep
  98. NSPopUpButton
  99. NSPopUpButtonCell
  100. NSPredicateEditor
  101. NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate
  102. NSPrinter
  103. NSPrintInfo
  104. NSPrintOperation
  105. NSPrintPanel
  106. NSProgressIndicator
  107. NSResponder
  108. NSRuleEditor
  109. NSRulerMarker
  110. NSRulerView
  111. NSRunningApplication
  112. NSSavePanel
  113. NSScreen
  114. NSScroller
  115. NSScrollView
  116. NSSearchField
  117. NSSearchFieldCell
  118. NSSecureTextField
  119. NSSecureTextFieldCell
  120. NSSegmentedCell
  121. NSSegmentedControl
  122. NSShadow
  123. NSSlider
  124. NSSliderCell
  125. NSSound
  126. NSSpeechRecognizer
  127. NSSpeechSynthesizer
  128. NSSpellChecker
  129. NSSplitView
  130. NSStatusBar
  131. NSStatusItem
  132. NSStepper
  133. NSStepperCell
  134. NSString Application Kit Additions
  135. NSTableColumn
  136. NSTableHeaderCell
  137. NSTableHeaderView
  138. NSTableView
  139. NSTabView
  140. NSTabViewItem
  141. NSText
  142. NSTextAttachment
  143. NSTextAttachmentCell
  144. NSTextBlock
  145. NSTextContainer
  146. NSTextField
  147. NSTextFieldCell
  148. NSTextInputContext
  149. NSTextList
  150. NSTextStorage
  151. NSTextTab
  152. NSTextTable
  153. NSTextTableBlock
  154. NSTextView
  155. NSTokenField
  156. NSTokenFieldCell
  157. NSToolbar
  158. NSToolbarItem
  159. NSToolbarItemGroup
  160. NSTouch
  161. NSTrackingArea
  162. NSTreeController
  163. NSTreeNode
  164. NSTypesetter
  165. NSURL Additions
  166. NSUserDefaultsController
  167. NSView
  168. NSViewAnimation
  169. NSViewController
  170. NSWindow
  171. NSWindowController
  172. NSWorkspace

Last updated: 2009-08-28

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