Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer


This document shows how to create a Core Data managed object model with Xcode.

A managed object model is an instance of the NSManagedObjectModel class. It describes a schema—a collection of entities—that you use in your application. (If you do not understand the term "entity"—or the related terms, "property," "attribute," and "relationship"—you should first read Core Data Basics and the "Object Modeling" section in Cocoa Design Patterns.)

You should read this document to learn how to use the Xcode modeling tool to create a Core Data managed object model. You should already be familiar with the basic architecture of Core Data as described in Core Data Programming Guide; it is also helpful to have followed the tutorial in Core Data Utility Tutorial to understand how you can create the managed object model programmatically. The data modeling tool itself is described in Data Modeling for Core Data.

Organization of This Document

This document contains the following chapters:

  1. “Creating the Model File and the Entities”

  2. “Adding Properties”

See Also

Core Data Programming Guide

Core Data Utility Tutorial

Model Object Implementation Guide

Last updated: 2009-03-02

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