Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Handler Reference

This chapter provides reference for handlers, which are defined and introduced in “About Handlers.” It describes the types of parameters you can use with handlers and how you invoke them. It also describes the continue and return statements, which you use to control the flow of execution in handlers.


A continue statement causes AppleScript to invoke the handler with the same name in the parent of the current handler. If there is no such handler in the parent, AppleScript looks up the parent chain, ending with the current application.

A continue statement is like a handler call, in that after execution completes in the new location, it resumes with the statement after the continue statement.

continue handlerName [ parameterList ]

A required identifier that specifies the name of the current handler (which is also the name of the handler in which to continue execution).


The list of parameters to be passed to handlerName.

The list must follow the same format as the parameter definitions in the handler definition for the command. For handlers with labeled parameters, this means that the parameter labels must match those in the handler definition. For handlers with positional parameters, the parameters must appear in the correct order.

You can list the parameter variables that were specified in the original command (and thus the original values) or you can list values that may differ from those of the original variables.


You can write a handler that overrides an AppleScript command but uses a continue statement to pass control on to the AppleScript command if desired:

on beep numTimes
    set x to display dialog "Start beeping?" buttons {"Yes", "No"}
    if button returned of x is "Yes" then ¬
        continue beep numTimes -- Let AppleScript handle the beep.
        -- In this example, nothing to do after returning from the continue.
end beep
beep 3 --result: local beep handler invoked; shows dialog before beeping
tell my parent to beep 3 -- result: AppleScript beep command invoked

When AppleScript encounters the statement beep 3, it invokes the local beep handler, which displays a dialog. If the user clicks Yes, the handler uses a continue statement to pass the beep command to the script’s parent (AppleScript), which handles the command by beeping. If the user clicks No, it does not continue the beep command, and no sound is heard.

The final statement, tell my parent to beep 3, shows how to directly invoke the AppleScript beep command, rather than the local handler.

For an example that uses a continue statement to exit a script handler and return control to the application’s default quit handler, see “quit Handlers.”

For additional examples, see “Using the continue Statement in Script Objects.”


A return statement exits a handler and optionally returns a specified value. Execution continues at the place in the script where the handler was called.

return [ expression ]

Represents the value to return.


The following statement, inserted in the body of a handler, returns the integer 2:

return 2 -- returns integer value 2

If you include a return statement without an expression, AppleScript exits the handler immediately and no value is returned:

return -- no value returned

See other sections throughout “Handler Reference” for more examples of scripts that use the return statement.


If a handler does not include a return statement, AppleScript returns the value returned by the last statement. If the last statement doesn’t return a value, AppleScript returns nothing.

When AppleScript has finished executing a handler (that is, when it executes a return statement or the last statement in the handler), it passes control to the place in the script immediately after the place where the handler was called. If a handler call is part of an expression, AppleScript uses the value returned by the handler to evaluate the expression.

It is often considered good programming practice to have just one return statement and locate it at the end of a handler. Doing so can provide the following benefits:

In some cases, however, it may make more sense to use multiple return statements. For example, the minimumValue handler in “Handler Syntax (Positional Parameters)” is a simple script that uses two return statements.

For related information, see “AppleScript Error Handling.”

Handler Syntax (Labeled Parameters)

A handler is a collection of statements that can be invoked by name. This section describes the syntax for handlers that use labeled parameters.

Labeled parameters are identified by their labels and can be listed in any order.

( on | to ) handlerName ¬
[ [ of | in ] directParamName ] ¬
[ ASLabel userParamName ]... ¬
[ given userLabel:userParamName [, userLabel:userParamName ]...]
[ statement ]...
end [ handlerName ]

An identifier that names the handler.


An identifier for the direct parameter variable. If it is included, directParamName must be listed immediately after the command name. The word of or in before directParamName is required in user-defined handlers, but is optional in terminology-defined handlers (for example, those defined by applications).

If a user-defined handler includes a direct parameter, the handler must also include at least one variable parameter.


An AppleScript-defined label. The available labels are: about, above, against, apart from, around, aside from, at, below, beneath, beside, between, by, for, from, instead of, into, on, onto, out of, over, since, thru (or through), under. These are the only labels that can be used without the special label given. Each label must be unique among the labels for the handler (that is, you cannot use the same label for more than one parameter).


An identifier for a user-defined label, associated with a user-defined parameter. Each label must be unique.

The first userLabel-userParamName pair must follow the word given; any additional pairs are separated by commas.


An identifier for a parameter variable.


Any AppleScript statement. These statements can include definitions of script objects, each of which, like any script object, can contain handlers and other script objects. However, you cannot declare another handler within a handler, except within a script object.

Handlers often contain a “return” statement.


For examples and related conceptual information, see “Handlers with Labeled Parameters.”


A handler written to respond to an application command (like those in “Handlers in Script Applications”) need not include all of the possible parameters defined for that command. For example, an application might define a command with up to five possible parameters, but you could define a handler for that command with only two of the parameters.

If a script calls a handler with more parameters than are specified in the handler definition, the extra parameters are ignored.

Calling a Handler with Labeled Parameters

This section describes the syntax for calling a handler with labeled parameters.

handlerName ¬
[ [ of | in ] directParam ] ¬
[ [ ASLabel paramValue ...] ¬
| [ with labelForTrueParam [, labelForTrueParam ]... ¬
[ ( and | , ) labelForTrueParam ] ] ¬
| [ without labelForFalseParam [, labelForFalseParam ]...] ¬
[ ( and | , ) labelForFalseParam ] ] ¬
| [ given userLabel:paramValue [, userLabel:paramValue ]...]...

An identifier that names the handler.


Any valid expression. The expression for the direct parameter must be listed first if it is included at all.


One of the following AppleScript-defined labels used in the definition of the handler: about, above, against, apart from, around, aside from, at, below, beneath, beside, between, by, for, from, instead of, into, on, onto, out of, over, since, thru (or through), under.


The value of a parameter, which can be any valid expression.


The label for a Boolean parameter whose value is true. You use this form in with clauses. Because the value true is implied by the word with, you provide only the label, not the value. For an example, see the findNumbers handler in “Handlers with Labeled Parameters.”


The label for a Boolean parameter whose value is false. You use this form in without clauses. Because the value false is implied by the word without, you provide only the label, not the value.


Any parameter label used in the definition of the handler that is not among the labels for ASLabel. You must use the special label given to specify these parameters. For an example, see the findNumbers handler below.


For examples, see “Handlers with Labeled Parameters.”


When you call a handler with labeled parameters, you supply the following:

  1. The handler name.

  2. A value for the direct parameter, if the handler has one. It must directly follow the handler name.

  3. One label-value pair for each AppleScript-defined label and parameter defined for the handler.

  4. One label-value pair for each user-defined label and parameter defined for the handler that is not a boolean value.

    The first pair is preceded by the word given; a comma precedes each additional pair. The order of the pairs does not have to match the order in the handler definition.

  5. For each user-defined label and parameter defined for the handler that is a boolean value, you can either:

    1. Supply the label, followed by a boolean expression (as with non-boolean parameters); for example:

      given rounding:true
    2. Use a combination of with and without clauses, as shown in the following examples:

      with rounding, smoothing and curling
      with rounding without smoothing, curling

      Note: AppleScript automatically converts between some forms when you compile. For example, given rounding:true is converted to with rounding, and with rounding, smoothing is converted to with rounding and smoothing.

Handler Syntax (Positional Parameters)

A handler is a collection of statements that can be invoked by name. This section describes the syntax for handlers that use positional parameters.

Important: The parentheses that surround the parameter list in the following definition are part of the syntax.

on | to handlerName ( [ userParamName [, userParamName ]...] )
   [ statement ]...
end [ handlerName ]

An identifier that names the handler.


An identifier for a user-defined parameter variable.


Any AppleScript statement, including global or local variable declarations. For information about the scope of local and global variables, see “Scope of Variables and Properties.”


For examples and related conceptual information, see “Handlers with Positional Parameters.”

Calling a Handler with Positional Parameters

A call for a handler with positional parameters must list the parameters in the same order as they are specified in the handler definition.

handlerName( [ paramValue [, paramValue ]...] )

An identifier that names the handler.


The value of a parameter, which can be any valid expression. If there are two or more parameters, they must be listed in the same order in which they were specified in the handler definition.


For examples, see “Handlers with Positional Parameters”


When you call a handler with positional parameters, you supply the following:

  1. The handler name.

  2. An opening and closing parenthesis.

  3. If the handler has any parameters, then you also list, within the parentheses, the following:

    One value for each parameter defined for the handler. The value can be any valid expression.

Last updated: 2008-03-11

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