Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Script Objects

This chapter describes the script object, which is used to implement all AppleScript scripts. Before reading this chapter, you should be familiar with the information in “AppleScript and Objects.”

A script object is a user-defined object that can combine data (in the form of properties) and actions (in the form of handlers and additional script objects). Script objects support inheritance, allowing you to define a hierarchy of objects that share properties and handlers. You can also extend or modify the behavior of a handler in one script object when calling it from another script object.

The top-level script object is the one that implements the overall script you are working on. Any script object can contain nested script objects, each of which is defined just like a top-level script object, except that a nested script object is bracketed with statements that mark its beginning and end.

This chapter describes script objects in the following sections:

Defining Script Objects

Each script object definition (except for the top-level script object) begins with the keyword script, followed by a variable name, and ends with the keyword end (or end script). The statements in between can be any combination of property definitions, handler definitions, nested script object definitions, and other AppleScript statements.

The syntax of a script object definition is as follows:

script variableName

    [ ( property | prop ) parent : parentSpecifier ]

    [ ( property | prop ) propertyLabel : initialValue ]...

    [ handlerDefinition ]...

    [ statement ]...

end [ script ]


A variable identifier for the script. You can refer to a script object by this name elsewhere in a script.


Specifies the parent of the script object, typically another script object.

For more information, see “Inheritance in Script Objects.”


An identifier, unique within the script object, that specifies a characteristic of the object; equivalent to an instance variable.


The value that is assigned to the property each time the script object is initialized. script objects are initialized when compiled. initialValue is required in property definitions.


A handler for a command the script object can respond to; equivalent to a method. For more information, see “About Handlers” and “Handler Reference.”


Any AppleScript statement. Statements other than handler and property definitions are treated as if they were part of an implicit handler definition for the run command; they are executed when a script object receives the run command.

Here is a simple script object definition:

script John
    property HowManyTimes : 0
    to sayHello to someone
        set HowManyTimes to HowManyTimes + 1
        return "Hello " & someone
    end sayHello
end script

It defines a script object that can handle the sayHello command. It assigns the script object to the variable John. The definition includes a handler for the sayHello command. It also includes a property, called HowManyTimes, that indicates how many times the sayHello command has been called.

A handler within a script object definition follows the same syntax rules as any other handler.

You can use a tell statement to send commands to a script object. For example, the following statement sends the sayHello command the script object defined above.

tell John to sayHello to "Herb" --result: "Hello Herb"

You can manipulate the properties of script objects by using the get command to get the value of a property and the set or copy command to change the value. The value of a property is persistent—it gets reset every time you compile the script, but not when you run it.

Initializing Script Objects

When you define a script object, it can contain properties, handlers, and nested script object definitions. When you execute the script containing it, AppleScript creates a script object with the defined properties, handlers, and nested script objects. The process of creating an instance of a script object from its definition is called initialization. A script object must be initialized before it can respond to commands.

A top-level script object is initialized each time the script’s run handler is executed. Similarly, if you define a script within a handler, AppleScript initializes a script object each time the handler is called. The parameter variables in the handler definition become local variables of the script object.

For example, the makePoint handler in the following script contains a script object definition for the script object thePoint:

on makePoint(x, y)
    script thePoint
        property xCoordinate:x
        property yCoordinate:y
    end script
    return thePoint
end makePoint
set myPoint to makePoint(10,20)
get xCoordinate of myPoint  --result: 10
get yCoordinate of myPoint  --result: 20

AppleScript initializes the script object thePoint when it executes the makePoint command. After the call to makePoint, the variable myPoint refers to this script object. The parameter variables in the makePoint handler, in this case, x and y, become local variables of the script object. The initial value of x is 10, and the initial value of y is 20, because those are the parameters passed to the makePoint handler that initialized the script object.

If you added the following line to the end of the previous script and ran it, the variable myOtherPoint would refer to a second instance of the script object thePoint, with different property values:

set myOtherPoint to makePoint(30,50)

The makePoint script is a kind of constructor function that creates script objects representing points.

Sending Commands to Script Objects

You can use tell statements to send commands to script objects. For example, the following tell statement sends two sayHello commands to the script object John (defined below):

tell John
    sayHello to "Herb"
    sayHello to "Grace"
end tell

For a script object to respond to a command within a tell statement, either the script object or its parent object must have a handler for the command. For more information about parent objects, see “Inheritance in Script Objects.”

A script object definition may include an implicit run handler, consisting of all executable statements that are outside of any handler or nested script object, or it may include an explicit run handler that begins with on run, but it may not contain both—such a script will not compile. If a script has no run handler (for example, a script that serves as a library of handlers, as described in “Saving and Loading Libraries of Handlers”), executing the script does nothing. However, sending it an explicit run command causes an error. For more information, see “run Handlers.”

The display dialog command in the following script object definition is the only executable statement at the top level, so it constitutes the script object’s implicit run handler and is executed when the script sends a run command to script object John, with the statement tell John to run.

script John
    property HowManyTimes : 0
    to sayHello to someone
        set HowManyTimes to HowManyTimes + 1
        return "Hello " & someone
    end sayHello
    display dialog "John received the run command"
end script
tell John to run

You can also use the possessive to send a command to a script object. For example, either of the following two forms send the sayHello command to script John (the first version compiles into the second):

John's sayHello to "Jake" --result: "Hello Jake"
sayHello of John to "Jake" --result: "Hello Jake"

Inheritance in Script Objects

You can use the AppleScript inheritance mechanism to define related script objects in terms of one another. This allows you to share property and handler definitions among many script objects without repeating the shared definitions. Inheritance is described in the following sections:

The AppleScript Inheritance Chain

The top-level script object is the parent of all other script objects, although any script object can specify a different parent object. The top-level script object also has a parent—AppleScript itself (the AppleScript component). And even AppleScript has a parent—the current application. The name of that application (which is typically Script Editor) can be obtained through the global constant current application. This hierarchy defines the inheritance chain that AppleScript searches to find the target for a command or the definition of a term.

Every script object has access to the properties, handlers, and script objects it defines, as well as to those defined by its parent, and those of any other object in the inheritance chain, including AppleScript. That’s why the constants and properties described in “Global Constants in AppleScript” are available to any script.

Note: There is an exception to the previous claim. An explicit local variable can shadow (or block access to) a global variable or property with the same name, making the global version inaccessible in the scope of the handler or script object. For related information, see ‚ÄúScope of Variables and Properties.‚Äù

Defining Inheritance Through the parent Property

When working with script objects, inheritance is the ability of a child script object to take on the properties and handlers of a parent object. You specify inheritance with the parent property.

The object listed in a parent property definition is called the parent object, or parent. A script object that includes a parent property is referred to as a child script object , or child. The parent property is not required, though if one is not specified, every script is a child of the top-level script, as described in “The AppleScript Inheritance Chain.” A script object can have many children, but a child script object can have only one parent. The parent object may be any object, such as a list or an application object, but it is typically another script object.

The syntax for defining a parent object is

( property | prop ) parent : variable


An identifier for a variable that refers to the parent object.

A script object must be initialized before it can be assigned as a parent of another script object. This means that the definition of a parent script object (or a command that calls a function that creates a parent script object) must come before the definition of the child in the same script.

Some Examples of Inheritance

The inheritance relationship between script objects should be familiar to those who are acquainted with C++ or other object-oriented programming languages. A child script object that inherits the handlers and properties defined in its parent is like a C++ class that inherits methods and instance variables from its parent class. If the child does not have its own definition of a property or handler, it uses the inherited property or handler. If the child has its own definition of a particular property or handler, then it ignores (or overrides) the inherited property or handler.

Listing 4-1 shows the definitions of a parent script object called Alex and a child script object called AlexJunior.

Listing 4-1  A pair of script objects with a simple parent-child relationship

script Alex
    on sayHello()
        return "Hello, " & getName()
    end sayHello
    on getName()
        return "Alex"
    end getName
end script
script AlexJunior
    property parent : Alex
    on getName()
        return "Alex Jr"
    end getName
end script
-- Sample calls to handlers in the script objects:
tell Alex to sayHello() --result: "Hello, Alex"
tell AlexJunior to sayHello() --result: "Hello, Alex Jr."
tell Alex to getName() --result: "Alex"
tell AlexJunior to getName() --result: "Alex Jr"

Each script object defines a getName() handler to return its name. The script object Alex also defines the sayHello() handler. Because AlexJunior declares Alex to be its parent object, it inherits the sayHello() handler.

Using a tell statement to invoke the sayHello() handler of script object Alex returns "Hello, Alex". Invoking the same handler of script object AlexJunior returns "Hello, Alex Jr"—although the same sayHello() handler in Alex is executed, when that handler calls getName(), it’s the getName() in AlexJunior that is executed.

The relationship between a parent script object and its child script objects is dynamic. If the properties of the parent change, so do the inherited properties of the children. For example, the script object JohnSon in the following script inherits its vegetable property from script object John.

script John
    property vegetable : "Spinach"
end script
script JohnSon
    property parent : John
end script
set vegetable of John to "Swiss chard"
vegetable of JohnSon
--result: "Swiss chard"

When you change the vegetable property of script object John with the set command, you also change the vegetable property of the child script object Simple. The result of the last line of the script is "Swiss chard".

Similarly, if a child changes one of its inherited properties, the value in the parent object also changes. For example, the script object JohnSon in the following script inherits the vegetable property from script object John.

script John
    property vegetable : "Spinach"
end script
script JohnSon
    property parent : John
    on changeVegetable()
        set my vegetable to "Zucchini"
    end changeVegetable
end script
tell JohnSon to changeVegetable()
vegetable of John
--result: "Zucchini"

When you change the vegetable property of script object JohnSon to "Zucchini" with the changeVegetable command, the vegetable property of script object John also changes.

The previous example demonstrates an important point about inherited properties: to refer to an inherited property from within a child script object, you must use the reserved word my or of me to indicate that the value to which you’re referring is a property of the current script object. (You can also use the words of parent to indicate that the value is a property of the parent script object.) If you don’t, AppleScript assumes the value is a local variable.

For example, if you refer to vegetable instead of my vegetable in the changeVegetable handler in the previous example, the result is "Spinach". For related information, see “The it and me Keywords.”

Using the continue Statement in Script Objects

In a child script object, you can define a handler with the same name as a handler defined in its parent object. In implementing the child handler, you have several options:

Normally, if a child script object and its parent both have handlers for the same command, the child uses its own handler. However, the handler in a child script object can handle a command first, and then use a continue statement to call the handler for the same command in the parent.

This handing off of control to another object is called delegation. By delegating commands to a parent script object, a child can extend the behavior of a handler contained in the parent without having to repeat the entire handler definition. After the parent handles the command, AppleScript continues at the place in the child where the continue statement was executed.

The syntax for a continue statement is shown in “continue”.

The following script includes two script object definitions, Elizabeth and ChildOfElizabeth.

script Elizabeth
    property HowManyTimes : 0
    to sayHello to someone
        set HowManyTimes to HowManyTimes + 1
        return "Hello " & someone
    end sayHello
end script
script ChildOfElizabeth
    property parent : Elizabeth
    on sayHello to someone
        if my HowManyTimes > 3 then
            return "No, I'm tired of saying hello."
            continue sayHello to someone
        end if
    end sayHello
end script
tell Elizabeth to sayHello to "Matt"
--result: "Hello Matt", no matter how often the tell is executed
tell ChildOfElizabeth to sayHello to "Bob"
--result: "Hello Bob", the first four times the tell is executed;
--   after the fourth time: "No, I’m tired of saying hello."

In this example, the handler defined by ChildOfElizabeth for the sayHello command checks the value of the HowManyTimes property each time the handler is run. If the value is greater than 3, ChildOfElizabeth returns a message refusing to say hello. Otherwise, ChildOfElizabeth calls the sayHello handler in the parent script object (Elizabeth), which returns the standard hello message. The word someone in the continue statement is a parameter variable. It indicates that the parameter received with the original sayHello command will be passed to the handler in the parent script.

Note: The reserved word my in the statement if my HowManyTimes > 10 in this example is required to indicate that HowManyTimes is a property of the script object. Without the word my, AppleScript assumes that HowManyTimes is an undefined local variable.

A continue statement can change the parameters of a command before delegating it. For example, suppose the following script object is defined in the same script as the preceding example. The first continue statement changes the direct parameter of the sayHello command from "Bill" to "William". It does this by specifying the value "William" instead of the parameter variable someone.

script AnotherChildOfElizabeth
    property parent : Elizabeth
    on sayHello to someone
        if someone = "Bill" then
            continue sayHello to "William"
            continue sayHello to someone
        end if
    end sayHello
end script
tell AnotherChildOfElizabeth to sayHello to "Matt"
--result: "Hello Matt"
tell AnotherChildOfElizabeth to sayHello to "Bill"
--result: "Hello William"

If you override a parent’s handler in this manner, the reserved words me and my in the parent’s handler no longer refer to the parent, as demonstrated in the example that follows.

script Hugh
    on identify()
    end identify
end script
script Andrea
    property parent : Hugh
    on identify()
        continue identify()
    end identify
end script
tell Hugh to identify()
--result: «script Hugh»
tell Andrea to identify()
--result: «script Andrea»

Last updated: 2008-03-11

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