iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

Tuning for Performance and Responsiveness

At each step in the development of your application, you should consider the implications of your design choices on the overall performance of your application. The operating environment for iOS applications is more constrained because of the mobile nature of iPhone and iPod touch devices. The following sections describe the factors you should consider throughout the development process.

Do Not Block the Main Thread

You should be careful what work you perform from the main thread of your application. The main thread is where your application handles touch events and other user input. To ensure that your application is always responsive to the user, you should never use the main thread to perform long-running tasks or to perform tasks with a potentially unbounded end, such as tasks that access the network. Instead, you should always move those tasks onto background threads. The preferred way to do so is to wrap each task in an operation object and add it to an operation queue, but you can also create explicit threads yourself.

Moving tasks into the background leaves your main thread free to continue processing user input, which is especially important when your application is starting up or quitting. During these times, your application is expected to respond to events in a timely manner. If your application’s main thread is blocked at launch time, the system could kill the application before it even finishes launching. If the main thread is blocked at quitting time, the system could kill the application before it has a chance to write out crucial user data.

For more information about using operation objects and threads, see Concurrency Programming Guide.

Use Memory Efficiently

Because the iOS virtual memory model does not include disk swap space, applications are somewhat more limited in the amount of memory they have available for use. Using large amounts of memory can seriously degrade system performance and potentially cause the system to terminate your application. When you design, therefore, make it a high priority to reduce the amount of memory used by your application.

There is a direct correlation between the amount of free memory available and the relative performance of your application. Less free memory means that the system is more likely to have trouble fulfilling future memory requests. If that happens, the system can always remove code pages and other nonvolatile resources from memory. However, removing those resources may be only a temporary fix, especially when those resources are needed again a short time later. Instead, minimize your memory use in the first place, and clean up the memory you do use in a timely manner.

The following sections provide more guidance on how to use memory efficiently and how to respond when there is only a small amount of available memory.

Reduce Your Application’s Memory Footprint

Table 8-1 lists some tips on how to reduce your application’s overall memory footprint. Starting off with a low footprint gives you more room for the data you need to manipulate.

Table 8-1  Tips for reducing your application‚Äôs memory footprint


Actions to take

Eliminate memory leaks.

Because memory is a critical resource in iOS, your application should not have any memory leaks. Allowing leaks to exist means your application may not have the memory it needs later. You can use the Instruments application to track down leaks in your code, both in the simulator and on actual devices. For more information on using Instruments, see Instruments User Guide.

Make resource files as small as possible.

Files reside on the disk but must be loaded into memory before they can be used. Property list files and images are two resource types where you can save space with some very simple actions. To reduce the space used by property list files, write those files out in a binary format using the NSPropertyListSerialization class. For images, compress all image files to make them as small as possible. (To compress PNG images—the preferred image format for iOS applications—use the pngcrush tool.)

Use Core Data or SQLite for large data sets.

If your application manipulates large amounts of structured data, store it in a Core Data persistent store or in a SQLite database instead of in a flat file. Both Core Data and SQLite provides efficient ways to manage large data sets without requiring the entire set to be in memory all at once.

The Core Data feature was introduced in iOS 3.0.

Load resources lazily.

You should never load a resource file until it is actually needed. Prefetching resource files may seem like a way to save time, but this practice actually slows down your application right away. In addition, if you end up not using the resource, loading it simply wastes memory.

Build your program using Thumb.

Adding the -mthumb compiler flag can reduce the size of your code by up to 35%. However, if your application contains floating-point-intensive code modules and you are building your application for arm6, you should disable Thumb. If you are building your code for arm7, you should leave Thumb enabled.

Allocate Memory Wisely

iOS applications use a managed memory model, whereby you must explicitly retain and release objects. Table 8-2 lists tips for allocating memory inside your program.

Table 8-2  Tips for allocating memory


Actions to take

Reduce your use of autoreleased objects.

Objects released using the autorelease method stay in memory until you explicitly drain the autorelease pool or until the next time around your event loop. Whenever possible, avoid using the autorelease method when you can instead use the release method to reclaim the memory occupied by the object immediately. If you must create moderate numbers of autoreleased objects, create a local autorelease pool and drain it periodically to reclaim the memory for those objects before the next event loop.

Impose size limits on resources.

Avoid loading large resource files when a smaller one will do. Instead of using a high-resolution image, use one that is appropriately sized for iOS-based devices. If you must use large resource files, find ways to load only the portion of the file that you need at any given time. For example, rather than load the entire file into memory, use the mmap and munmap functions to map portions of the file into and out of memory. For more information about mapping files into memory, see File-System Performance Guidelines.

Avoid unbounded problem sets.

Unbounded problem sets might require an arbitrarily large amount of data to compute. If the set requires more memory than is available, your application may be unable to complete the calculations. Your applications should avoid such sets whenever possible and work on problems with known memory limits.

For detailed information on how to allocate memory in iOS applications, and for more information on autorelease pools, see “Cocoa Objects” in Cocoa Fundamentals Guide.

Floating-Point Math Considerations

The processors found in iOS-based devices are capable of performing floating-point calculations in hardware. If you have an existing program that performs calculations using a software-based fixed-point math library, you should consider modifying your code to use floating-point math instead. Hardware-based floating-point computations are typically much faster than their software-based fixed-point equivalents.

Important: Of course, if you build your application for arm6 and your code does use floating-point math extensively, remember to compile that code without the -mthumb compiler option. The Thumb option can reduce the size of code modules, but it can also degrade the performance of floating-point code. If you build your application for arm7, you should always enable the Thumb option.

In iOS 4 and later, you can also use the functions of the Accelerate framework to perform complex mathematical calculations. This framework contains high-performance vector-accelerated libraries for digital signal processing and linear algebra mathematics. You can apply these libraries to problems involving audio and video processing, physics, statistics, cryptography, and complex algebraic equations.

Reduce Power Consumption

Power consumption on mobile devices is always an issue. The power management system in iOS conserves power by shutting down any hardware features that are not currently being used. In addition to avoiding CPU-intensive operations or operations that involve high graphics frame rates, you can help improve battery life by optimizing your use of the following features:

The goal of your optimizations should be to do the most work you can in the most efficient way possible. You should always optimize your application’s algorithms using Instruments. But it is important to remember that even the most optimized algorithm can still have a negative impact on a device’s battery life. You should therefore consider the following guidelines when writing your code:

The more data you transmit to the network, the more power must be used to run the radios. In fact, accessing the network is the most power-hungry operation you can perform and should be minimized by following these guidelines:

The Instruments application includes several instruments for gathering power-related information. You can use these instruments to gather general information about power consumption and to gather specific measurements for hardware such as the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios, GPS receiver, display, and CPU. For more information about using these instruments, see Instruments User Guide.

Tune Your Code

iOS comes with several applications for tuning the performance of your application. Most of these tools run on Mac OS X and are suitable for tuning some aspects of your code while it runs in the simulator. For example, you can use the simulator to eliminate memory leaks and make sure your overall memory usage is as low as possible. You can also remove any computational hotspots in your code that might be caused by an inefficient algorithm or a previously unknown bottleneck.

After you have tuned your code in the simulator, you should then use the Instruments application to further tune your code on a device. Running your code on an actual device is the only way to tune your code fully. Because the simulator runs in Mac OS X, it has the advantage of a faster CPU and more usable memory, so its performance is generally much better than the performance on an actual device. And using Instruments to trace your code on an actual device may point out additional performance bottlenecks that need tuning.

For more information on using Instruments, see Instruments User Guide.

Improve File Access Times

When creating files or writing out file data, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Tune Your Networking Code

The networking stack in iOS includes several interfaces over the radio hardware of iPhone and iPod touch devices. The main programming interface is the CFNetwork framework, which builds on top of BSD sockets and opaque types in the Core Foundation framework to communicate with network entities. You can also use the NSStream classes in the Foundation framework and the low-level BSD sockets found in the Core OS layer of the system.

The following sections provide iOS-specific tips for developers who need to incorporate networking features into their applications. For information about how to use the CFNetwork framework for network communication, see CFNetwork Programming Guide and CFNetwork Framework Reference. For information about using the NSStream class, see Foundation Framework Reference.

Tips for Efficient Networking

When implementing code to receive or transmit across the network, remember that doing so is one of the most power-intensive operations on a device. Minimizing the amount of time spent transmitting or receiving helps improve battery life. To that end, you should consider the following tips when writing your network-related code:

The cellular and Wi-Fi radios are designed to power down when there is no activity. Doing so can take several seconds though, depending on the radio. If your application transmits small bursts of data every few seconds, the radios may stay powered up and continue to consume power, even when they are not actually doing anything. Rather than transmit small amounts of data more often, it is better to transmit a larger amount of data once or at relatively large intervals.

When communicating over the network, it is also important to remember that packets can be lost at any time. When writing your networking code, you should be sure to make it as robust as possible when it comes to failure handling. It is perfectly reasonable to implement handlers that respond to changes in network conditions, but do not be surprised if those handlers are not called consistently. For example, the Bonjour networking callbacks may not always be called immediately in response to the disappearance of a network service. The Bonjour system service does immediately invoke browsing callbacks when it receives a notification that a service is going away, but network services can disappear without notification. This might occur if the device providing the network service unexpectedly loses network connectivity or the notification is lost in transit.

Using Wi-Fi

If your application accesses the network using the Wi-Fi radios, you must notify the system of that fact by including the UIRequiresPersistentWiFi key in the application’s Info.plist file. The inclusion of this key lets the system know that it should display the network selection panel if it detects any active Wi-Fi hot spots. It also lets the system know that it should not attempt to shut down the Wi-Fi hardware while your application is running.

To prevent the Wi-Fi hardware from using too much power, iOS has a built-in timer that turns off the hardware completely after 30 minutes if no application has requested its use through the UIRequiresPersistentWiFi key. If the user launches an application that includes the key, iOS effectively disables the timer for the duration of the application’s life cycle. As soon as that application quits, however, the system reenables the timer.

Note: Note that even when UIRequiresPersistentWiFi has a value of true, it has no effect when the device is idle (that is, screen-locked). The application is considered inactive, and although it may function on some levels, it has no Wi-Fi connection.

For more information on the UIRequiresPersistentWiFi key and the keys of the Info.plist file, see “The Information Property List.”

The Airplane Mode Alert

If the device is in airplane mode when your application launches, the system may display a panel to notify the user of that fact. The system displays this panel only when all of the following conditions are met:

Last updated: 2010-06-30

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