iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to iOS Application Programming Guide.

2010-06-30Updated the guidance related to specifying application icons and launch images.

Changed the title from iPhone Application Programming Guide.

2010-06-14Reorganized the book so that it focuses on the design of the core parts of your application.

Added information about how to support multitasking in iOS 4 and later. For more information, see “Multitasking.”


Updated the section describing how to determine what hardware is available.


Added information about how to support devices with high-resolution screens.


Incorporated iPad-related information.

2010-02-24Made minor corrections.

Updated the “Multimedia Support” chapter with improved descriptions of audio formats and codecs.


Moved the iPhone specific Info.plist keys to Information Property List Key Reference.


Updated the “Multimedia Support” chapter for iOS 3.1.

2009-06-17Added information about using the compass interfaces.

Moved information about OpenGL support to OpenGL ES Programming Guide for iOS.


Updated the list of supported Info.plist keys.

2009-05-14Updated for iPhone OS 3.0.

Added code examples to "Copy and Paste Operations" in the Event Handling chapter.


Added a section on keychain data to the Files and Networking chapter.


Added information about how to display map and email interfaces.


Made various small corrections.

2009-01-06Fixed several typos and clarified the creation process for child pages in the Settings application.
2008-11-12Added guidance about floating-point math considerations

Updated information related to what is backed up by iTunes.

2008-10-15Reorganized the contents of the book.

Moved the high-level iOS information to iOS Technology Overview.


Moved information about the standard system URL schemes to Apple URL Scheme Reference.


Moved information about the development tools and how to configure devices to iOS Development Guide.


Created the Core Application chapter, which now introduces the application architecture and covers much of the guidance for creating iPhone applications.


Added a Text and Web chapter to cover the use of text and web classes and the manipulation of the onscreen keyboard.


Created a separate chapter for Files and Networking and moved existing information into it.


Changed the title from iPhone OS Programming Guide.

2008-07-08New document that describes iPhone OS and the development process for iPhone applications.

Last updated: 2010-06-30

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